♧ 28- Crazy Jealous ♧

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Double Update!
Enjoy this second and LONG chapter, lovely readers ☺️♥️

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'When the fuck is Kim-'


The door was suddenly kicked open with such force, it was a miracle it did not break. Both Yoshi and Dona jumped at the loud sound it made.


Dona and Yoshi looked towards the door and standing there was Kimura's huge and dark figure. There was little to no light in the bedroom and the light from the corridor made Kimura appear like some shadow.

"Who's is it??" Yoshi asked angrily, pushing Dona away and standing to face this person that had interrupted his good time.

Dona silently retrieved her top and retreated to a dark corner of the room to watch was about to happen. She couldn't lie she was both anxious and excited.

Yoshi recognized the figure as Kimura's.

"Toyokawa??" he asked angrily.

Kimura did not say a word. Instead, he stepped into the dark bedroom and slammed the door shut behind him. Yoshi sensed danger and immediately rushed to switch the lamp on so he could see better. The lights came on and though dim, they could now see all of the bedroom and the people inside.

"What are you doing here, you bast–"

Yoshi was cut off when the menacing Kimura grabbed him by the throat with a hand, choking him and raising him until the tip of his toes barely even brushed the floor. He had a type of strength that shocked Yoshi who struggled to get out of his grip. He began to shout for Kimura to let go of him, while hoping the other men downstairs would hear his cry for help. Unfortunately for him, the music downstairs played loudly.

None of the men had suspected anything. Kimura had gone upstairs with the two prostitutes and the other men did not pay enough attention to care as they were distracted by their own company. Kimura had taken the girls to another bedroom and had locked them up inside, promising to come take them out later, which was weird but fine to the girls.

Yoshi choked and struggled, his legs shaking in the air and he angrily stared into Kimura's cold and deadly eyes. The latter's expression was cold and indifferent. The vein at his temple was visibly swollen and the pressure he applied on Yoshi's neck made the old Yakuza realize that Kimura was out for blood. His blood.

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