♧ 6- Oyabun ♧

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Dalia's POV:

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Dalia's POV:

Two months had passed since I had moved to Osaka and opened the House Of Aphrodite. And needless to say, business was flourishing beyond my expectations.

I had wealthy men show up almost everyday to grab a drink and eat good food, as well as either receive a massage from my girls, chat with them or get entertained by watching them perform.

I had met and personally welcomed many yakuza who had come to the house– including those from the Sasori-gumi. They had no idea who I really was and it was perfect. They would ask to see me from time to time to compliment me for my perfect service, good food, beautiful geishas and good alcohol. They were also impressed that a foreigner like myself was very fluent in Japanese and it made them appreciate me a lot.

In the meantime, I was also aware of some important things happening in the Sasori-gumi thanks to my infiltrated spy. A month after I had arrived Osaka, I was informed one day that Hiroyuki's Saiko Komon had passed away due to health issues. Saiko Komon was a position in the yakuza that could very much be compared to the Consigliere in the Italian Mafia.

After the Saiko Komon's death, Hiroyuki apparently did not appoint another. But I did hear that many yakuza were in training and only the best and competent would be appointed the next Saiko Komon. I guessed they would also have to take an exam.

In my opinion however, I believed Hiroyuki hadn't chosen another yet because he would soon handover to his capable son. And it was a possibility that he perhaps wanted to give his heir the opportunity to chose his own Saiko Komon.

The third month passed and soon it was  new year's day. There was a lot of celebration and from morning to evening, my house of Aphrodite was full of men who had come to enjoy themselves as much as possible. I sure made a lot of money that day alone. The biggest drinking parlor in my house had been reserved by the Sasori-gumi who were expected to arrive that evening at 7pm. Eleanor with the help of the geishas, prepared to receive them.

However, something I had not expected at all, happened.

That evening, a group of the Sasori-gumi came over, some of them being regular clients and others being new faces. Eleanor and I were in my office and watched one of the geishas  welcome them at the entrance. An old man stepped forward and my left eye twitched when I immediately recognized him as Hiroyuki.

"Finally. He's come, himself," Eleanor spoke. "You were right, Donna. The second stage of your plan is now complete."

We watched them go to the reserved parlor and settle down. For long minutes they ate and drank. I listened to their conversations clearly, thanks to the microphones discreetly hidden in the vases and plants that decorated the room.

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