Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I wonder how we can survive
This romance
But in the end, if I'm with you
I'll take the chance
Oh, can't you see it, baby?
You've got me goin' crazy

Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
Waiting for you

Between the emotional message within the song and the sleeping aid, my head is swimming. I wipe away the tears that drift down my face but not fast enough as several find the pillowcase. Rolling onto my side towards the phone, I press play once more and close my eyes hoping this message brings me a pleasant night of sleep.

Third Person POV

"It's been over a month since you got back man."

  Chris finds it really difficult to understand how Cooper can't figure out that he doesn't need an update every couple of days of how long he's been living broken hearted.

  He takes a large, messy bite of his sub sandwich. "So she dumped you and the wedding's off. I mean this time last year you didn't even know this woman existed," he says with his mouth full. "Just go back to the way things were before and she'll be forgotten in no time."

  The rest of the table grows quiet, quick. Spencer and Janie both exchange a sordid look of caution and fear before their eyes shift to Chris, waiting for his reaction.

  Chris takes a deep breath, reminding himself that he is in mid shift and can't exactly punch his partner's lights out in the middle of a restaurant without severe repercussions.  It doesn't stop the tightness in his jaw from forming or the thin lipped line covering his mouth.

  "All I'm saying," Cooper begins again, wiping away sauce from his chin, "is get out there again. Come out for a beer tonight. We're off tomorrow so maybe let yourself live a little."

  Chris' eyes narrow a bit more, listening to Cooper's words. He misses Opal more each day, having thought that by now it would've lessened at least a little, but it hasn't.

  Maybe his idiot friend might actually be right this time.

  The radio hanging on their collar alerts them to a nearby robbery. Spencer calls over letting dispatch know they're in pursuit.


  Chris took his friend's advice and joined them for a drink at Decker's. He was only slightly surprised to see Laura next to Spencer when he joined their table. 

  "My last client canceled, so I thought I'd join the fun," she tells him when he takes a seat across from her. "Well, as much fun as I can have without alcohol." The table gives a light chuckle as she rolls her eyes. "I will however enjoy these wings in honor of Opal!" she announces before taking a bit from the buffalo sauced covered chicken. Spencer gives her a look. "Oh, uh, sorry."

  "It's fine," Chris assures her as he takes the beer Cooper offers. He leans back in his chair. "Like Coop said, it's been over a month."

  Laura looks at him sadly. "Doesn't mean it can't still hurt."

  "Nonsense," he tells her, waving her off. He takes a long pull from his drink, his eyes surveying the crowd. He uses his tongue to swipe away the remnant that rests above his upper lip. 

 Laura's focus goes back to her dinner, remembering the fact that she's eating for two and tells Spencer she also wants an order of onion rings. "You're gonna regret all of this in about an hour," he reminds his wife. 

  "Maybe so, but for now the baby wants onion rings." Spencer goes to stand when she grabs his arm. "Oh and a salad, extra ranch." He smiles, shaking his head softly as he takes a couple steps towards the bar. "And a Shirley Temple!"  Spencer tosses a thumbs up so she knows he heard her.

  Cooper notices Chris' gaze moving through the crowd. He leans in closer, hoping to avoid eavesdropping ears. "See anything you like?" 

  "Wouldn't tell ya if I did." He slides his chair back, finishing off his first bottle. He moves through the crowd on the dance floor, keeping his eyes open, continuously scanning the female faces along with their bodies. 

  He claps his hand on Spencer's back when he joins him at the bar. He gives a heads up nod to the female bartender who brings him his usual. "Coop told me you're available again. Is it true?" Macey asks, hopeful.

  "That I am, Mace. Why, you lookin?" he smirks at the woman, letting his eyes roam from her eyes to her lips before falling on the choker necklace around her neck. 

  Macey isn't unattractive, most bartenders aren't. He reminds her of the girls before Opal. The girls he knew he would never even take home to meet the parents. The kind of girl he needs to take his mind off of his trampled heart.

  Spencer gives the pair an off putting look, seeing Chris revert to someone he hasn't been in a couple years. With a shake of his head he heads back to his wife, her newest meal order in his hands. 

  "Evans," Chris hears called out over his shoulder, pulling his attention away from Macy. He turns to his right seeing the seductive blonde strutting up to him. 

  The corner of his lip curls as he takes note of her long legs, made only longer by the red stiletto heels and black leather mini skirt. "CJ." 

  CJ saunters closer, saddling right up to his body. "Haven't seen that look on your face in a bit. Must mean you're either single or looking to have some real fun," she purrs in his ear. 

  "How's Caleb?" he asks, taking a swig of alcohol. 

   "Wouldn't know," she says slyly, running her long artificial nails over his forearm, tracing the veins that bulge without effort. His tongue darts out, wetting his lips as he watches her movements. "What are you thinking, Evans?"

  Chris cocks his head, a smug smirk finding his lips once more. "I'm thinking a walk down memory lane sounds real good right about now."

  "Glad we're on the same page," she murmurs before she attaches her lips to his, immediately moaning as her tongue teases his plush bottom lip. 

  Chris hand quickly tangles in her blonde curls deepening the kiss further. She begins to pull back, his bottom lip caught between her teeth. He groans as she releases him. He quickly grabs his wallet throwing a twenty on the bar. "That should settle me, Mace. Keep the rest." 

   Chris grabs CJ's hand and begins walking towards the front door. He casts a quick look towards his friends, noticing the whole table staring at him. Cooper gives him a cheers with his beer while Laura just looks on disapproving.

  But it's the brunette that wasn't there earlier that catches his eye most. 

 Choosing to ignore Opal or the look of loss that sits behind her eyes, Chris pushes through the door with CJ hot on his heels.

Every New Beginning... (Chris Evans AU)Where stories live. Discover now