"Yo, you good?"

Solomon turned his neck in surprise at Kadeem holding Dashawn, both were shirtless in shorts. Why were people constantly asking if he was okay? He was okay!

Solomon said, "Yeah, me good."

Kadeem nodded with pouted lips. "Brah, you turn daddy, you ting up!"

That coming from him was like a disgraced politician congratulating another politician for not being corrupt. Solomon rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah."

"Me hear from Latisha how it go down, your woman shoulda let you know long time."

Solomon's eyebrows wrinkled in annoyance as he watched Latisha take Andrew from Junior as a wild white spray rised up her legs. "Me no wha' talk about that."

Kadeem looked down at his feet and shuffled around. "Cool, hm, but you never waver as usual. Some man… that's why I rate you."

Solomon's eyebrows went up in confusion. "Who? Me?"

Kadeem's eyes whirled away from Solomon when he moved closer. "Yeah, hm, Latisha always said you been there. You never got educated and that tough."

Was he talking about Solomon dropping out of school? Solomon frowned for he never liked to think about it. Sacrifices were a part of life. It wasn't something he needed to feel pride over. 

Solomon shrugged. "That good man."

He stared at the sea as if his future existed out there. "When your sister tell me. I was scared my youth. Just run away. Me never ready. Dead serious, never ready a tall." Kadeem chuckled as his eyes drifted wildly looking for the words to describe his hesitant swaying of the body.

Solomon raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Oh zeen?"

Kadeem smiled and pointed at Solomon. "You better than me. You get the news and you're like all right, nothing that, four years will make it up. You're built different dog."

Junior cried out Solomon's name over the thrashing waves, but he ignored that as he nodded. Solomon couldn't believe Kadeem praised him, Kadeem, the runaway groom of all people.

Also, why were people making a big deal out of him being a father? He understood many people loved the idea of that, but that was the problem, they loved the idea of being a father.

Solomon was not scared of being a father, nothing scared him.

Which reminded him—His leg was grabbed.

Solomon looked down at Andrew grasping for dear life. He couldn't help smiling down at Andrew, but this wasn't the time. 

Kadeem laughed with more heart. Solomon pulled up Andrew pushing his phone on the side of Andrew's shoulder. 

Latisha came out of the sea allowing narrow streams from her soaked braids and down her smiling face. "Babe?!"

Kadeem nodded at Solomon before going over to Latisha. Solomon pulled Andrew over his arm with the back of Andrew's knee sitting on his phone's face. Disconcerting groans peaked Solomon's attention.

Andrew's face flexed in scorn and his torso pulled back. Maybe Andrew hated his ugly face? Solomon his face with his hand and Andrew squealed.

No, it got worse. Solomon sighed and went for his phone, so he fished it out from under Andrew's knee. Andrew froze as Solomon unlocked the phone. 

He was going to call her, for this waiting was turning him into an old man. Andrew lunged forward grasping Solomon's phone. 

"Yo!" Solomon reached for it, for Andrew to swing around Solomon's hand and threw it over it.

A loud splash stopped Solomon's heart. He turned to see Kadeem twirling his legs up before diving into the spot where Solomon's phone sank.

Junior laughed out aloud jabbing his finger at Solomon.

"Jesus! No sah! A yuh phone that?" Latisha winced a loud snarl as she glared in shock. 

Solomon wanted to say no, but when Kadeem came up his hair glistening with droplets sprinkled along it and his palm wiggling his phone.

His phone.

A phone that sank into the sea.

That was his phone.

What kind of crosses was this? Solomon rubbed his clenching jawline, while Junior laughed and Andrew stared with this clueless look on his face like he was like—What happened?

Solomon looked at Andrew and sent a glare that proclaimed—You happened! 

"Junior take Andrew." Solomon sighed.

Junior held out his hands for Andrew who was glad to be reunited with him.

Kadeem gave Solomon his phone. He tested it and it didn't turn on. His eyes clenched shut in frustration, while his ears rang a cruel tune. 

Latisha rubbed his shoulder. "Hush yaaw!"

Solomon gritted his teeth, for he needed rice.

More than that, he needed a lot of things right now, and patience was one of them. 


Dog - means 'friend', 'brother' (mostly used by males in reference to each other)

Crosses - Misfortune, tribulations

Rate - They respect and admire you.

Hush yaaw - means 'I’m so sorry' or 'my condolences'

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