9 days | sofaygo x lil tecca

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andre is deaf but tyler doesn't care.

"dude when you gonna get a girl?" autumn but known as benjamin popped his gum, leaning back in the chair in the coffee.

"i dunno..." he shrugged, laying his head in his arms. he hated and was tired having this talk with his friend.

he knew he needed a girlfriend but in reality a boyfriend bad. but he doesn't really have no play.

last little thing he had was his ex, tyreek but known as kobe. their relationship was great but they fell apart as people got to their heads. they accused each other of cheating to having different people underwear in the house.

since tyreek was an intersex, he lost track of the underwear he had. it was the worst being accused of that.

tyreek is and still everything to him. they talk on a daily basis—different shit going on.

"bro you are fucking depressed. you need to stand up and find someone who you fuck and dip! shit i hate you being a third wheel."

"ever since you got some dick in you, you don't know how to act," tyler sighed, grabbing his bag as it's almost time to go to class.

"hey! hate the game, not the player." autumn pouted.

"someone's upset i called them out on their bullshit," he smirked.

"fuck up." they both laughed together, tyler roaming his eyes around the outside before landing on one person.

he had pink hair that stands out, fluffy crocs on with a white plain t-shirt and grey shorts on.

"who is that..." tyler whispered, making them stopped in their tracks.

"wha- oh he's pretty..." autumn looked at his also, "he reminds of a doll. he's so cute."

tyler agreed, "imma check him out."

autumn nodded, "okay see you at class!"

tyler waved goodbye before walking over. not gonna lie, the boy imitated him. he was so just pretty and nobody ever caught his eye at this school lately.

tyler fixed the straps on his bookbag, huffing his breath out before sitting down on the bench.

the pink hair stared at the man who sat next to him with a blank expression.

"hi...i saw you when we was walking out the cafe. my name is tyler. i think you're r-really pretty.." he said quickly, blushing under his brown under tone.

the boy stared at his confusingly signing, "i'm sorry? you spoke too fast."

tyler to say the least was confused and shocked. the boy was deaf?

he didn't look deaf...was that a bad thing to say-

the pink hair felt uncomfortable as the man looked at him in a disgusting way, shyly crawling back in his shell. he hated being deaf. people looked down on him and didn't want to talk to him.

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