After everyone was settled into their rooms, you all decided to go to the pool.

So you and a bunch of others put on their bikinis and told the chaperones where you were going.

It was an outdoor pool, so you laid out in the sun for a little before going in the water.


You sat up slightly to see Taylor sitting in the lounge chair next to you.

"Hello there." You said, looking at him.

"Wassup?" He asked.

"Just trying to get somewhat tan before we go home." You said, making him laugh.

"Are you going to swim?" Taylor asked, looking in the water where your friends where.

"Yeah, maybe in a little though." You told him.

"I think you should now." He said, standing up.

"No thanks." You smiled innocently at him.

"Yup." He nodded.

Before you knew what was happening, you were flung over Taylor's shoulder and he was walking towards the pool.

"No, Taylor. Stop!" You said, hitting his back in an attempt to make him put you down.

"Plug your nose." He said.

Without thinking, you plugged your nose with your right hand and it's a good thing, because just then he tossed you in the water.

When you came up from under, you pushed your soaking hair out of your face and glared up at him.

He was laughing at you, completely dry.

That should change.

You splashed him as hard as you could and he gasped, stepping back after being practically soaked.

"You're going to get it now." He said, then took a running start and jumped into the pool, landing right next to you.

Scaring the crap out of you.

"Taylor." You said, when his head popped out of the water. "You could have crushed me."

"But I didn't." He shrugged.

After hanging out at the pool until it got dark, your teacher came down and told everyone it was time to go to their own rooms.

You took a shower and put on your pajamas, getting into the bed you were sharing with your friend.

Although you saw you had a new text message from Taylor .

Confused, you opened your phone and read it.

From: Taylor 💖
I put my number in your phone while you were sleeping on the bus, hope you don't mine!

Smiling, you responded.

To: Taylor 💖
Not at all. Today was lots of fun :)

You texted him until one of the chaperones came in and told everyone that they had to go to sleep because tomorrow was an early morning since we were performing.

Plugging your phone in to charge, you rolled over and eventually fell asleep.


It was time to go home.

To say you had bonded with Taylor was the understatement of the year.

You and him were super close and all of your friends and his friends were saying the entire trip how you two were going to end up going out by the time it was time to go back to school next Monday.

You just rolled your eyes whenever they said that though.

All the girls in your room were packing up, trying to find everything that they brought. You in the midst of everything.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and whoever was closest opened it.

"Y/N, its for you." She said, making all the other girls go 'ohhh'.

You ignored them and dropped the hair straightener you were winding up in your bag.

Going over to the door, you saw it was Taylor.

Leaving the room, you closed the door behind you.

"Hey." You smiled.

"Hi." He smiled back.

"Wassup?" You said.

"Will you walk with me? I need to ask you something." Taylor said.

"Yeah, sure." You nodded.

The two of you walked around the hotel, talking.

"So what did you want to ask me?" You asked, when he stopped.

"Uh. Ok. Well, I was wondering if, you would maybe. Be my girlfriend?" He asked, staring you in the eye.

"Omigosh Taylor. Yes." You said, breaking out in a huge smile.

Taylor smiled also and wrapped his arms around your waist.

Your arms slid around his neck.


Here's a long one to make up for not updating in 1293910 years.
I feel really bad because on Monday I leave for EFY for my church, which I get back Saturday. So I won't be able to update for a week.
This is a true story though.
A kid in my grade went to Great Wolf Lodge with the orchestra and met his girlfriend there, because she's a grade younger so they're in different periods. But yeah, I thought it was super cute.
Oh yeah, and happy 4th of July!
Vote if you would like to spend 4th of July with Taylor, and comment what you're doing.
Follow me on twitter @sxrxh_mxrie
Bye loves, stay cloudy :)

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