(S3) Out In The Open

Start from the beginning

The word couldn't help but stick in Hawks' mind though, feeling his heart fill with both an overwhelming panic as well as a sense of comfort, his mind trying to rationalize everything.

Hikari, that was the name of his little sister, his only family. The only other person he cared about. "H-Hika-chan?"

Just then, Hawks felt his body being shaken back and forth as Todoroki's loud voice drowned in his ears, the tone further and further away by the moment. He sounded, scared? But why? "H-Hawks, do you hear me? You can't just let this happen...come on..get up...she needs you to...you can't just..."

Darkness began to overtake his entire being then, the man's body becoming heavy like lead before echoes of the past flooded into his mind. Suddenly he could hear her, his seven year old sister speaking to him through closed eyelids.


You can be a hero like this, right? Then you should do it.

Seeing him start to slip away into unconsciousness, Todoroki grew even more frantic, shaking the bird's body to no avail as he screamed and drowned into the void. "Hawks....Hawks..!!"

Yet a moment later, both Hawks' mind and body faded away into nothing, the poster in between his fingers slipping towards the floor as he dreamed of the happiest memories he had and the only person that brought meaning to his life.

His sister.


Gasping awake, Hawks felt his entire body cease in pain as his deliriously wild eyes couldn't help but spin around the room. Everything hurt, it hurt to breathe, to talk, to blink, everything. But why? What was going on?

Almost instinctively, the bird lifted his wings upwards in order to get a better sense of where he was only to find something completely unnerving. Wait, that wasn't right. Why wasn't his quirk working?

Reaching a shaking hand up, Hawks then ran his hand across his back, expecting to feel the familiar soft bristles he had known his entire life, yet was surprised when he only felt the bare skin on surface.

Wait, no.

Automatically feeling panic work its way into his throat, the man then forced his lethargic limbs to move upwards as Hawks' feet hit the cold marble floor in order to stumble to the bathroom mirror. No, he needed to see, he needed to find out what was going on before he had a full on panic attack.

Yet he regretted that wish immediately when the hero looked into the clear reflection only for his entire body to freeze.

At first everything appeared to be normal, well minus the sullen and sunken look on his face, signifying that he had been asleep for at least a week or two without real food or substance.

But that wasn't what Hawks focused on.

No, the only thing he could register was the heartbreaking fact that his wings had practically disappeared, leaving nothing but two small nubs in its place that felt like an agonizing raging fire.

Sighing to himself at the sight, Hawks then heard a voice appear next to him causing the hero to jump in surprise. "Hawks! Oh thank goodness! I thought you would never wake up!"

The man felt his eyes twist in confusion before recognizing the frazzled green haired boy in front of him. "You're that U.A. kid..."

Nodding his head once, the boy bowed slightly before realizing that he hadn't introduced himself to the number two hero. How embarrassing. "Ah yes. Midoriya Izuku."

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