The two other schools clap in response as Dumbledore heads back to his podium.

"Now everyone. Let the feast begin!"

He claps his hand and as usual, the plates and trays in front of them fill with food.

Fred hands Y/N an orange and she can't help but smile. "What's with you and giving me fruit?"

"I can hand you a croissant if you'd prefer." He laughs.

"Yeah that would work." She replies as she peels the orange.

He hands her the croissant and gives her a kiss. "There you go, darling."

Y/N puts it on her plate. "Thank you."

Harry and Ron rush into the room late.

"What happened to you two?"

"We woke up late. For some reason, our roommates didn't wake us up." Harry explains.

Hermione smirks at them. "Well maybe they thought you two could use the beauty sleep."

Ron gives her a look. "Don't start this morning, Hermione. We're tired and hungry."

Y/N finishes chewing the bite she took out of the orange and then asks. "Why are you so tired?"

"Why are you so tired?" Harry replies, sarcastically.

"Guys, look. Our time tables." Neville says.

Professor McGonagall hands them to all of them.

Y/N looks to Hermione. "How did you know that we have D.A.D.A. first period if we didn't even have our time tables yet?"

"I was talking to Moody yesterday and he told me so."

"Oh okay, well let's take a look at our schedules."


Timetable: Y/N Arcturus Sparks


9:00AM-10:15AM: Defense Against The Dark Arts (G+S)

10:30AM-11:30Am: Arithmancy (R+G)

11:45AM-12:45PM: Lunch

1:00PM-2:15PM: Herbology (G+H)

2:30PM-3:45PM: Care For Magical Creatures (S+G)

7:35PM-8:45PM: Dinner


"Ugh, we still have Defense Against The Dark Arts and Care For Magical Creatures with Slytherin." Ron says, annoyed.

"And Divination during second period." Harry rolls his eyes.

Hermione looks to him. "Well if you dislike Divination so much then you should've dropped it. Then you'd be in another class like Arithmancy, like Y/N and I."

Y/N looks at her time table. "At least we have Herbology with the Hufflepuffs this time."

Harry points out. "You're the only one of the three of us, taking Herbology."

"Not true, Neville's taking it." She says as she smiles to him.

"Yessir." Neville responds.

Suddenly, the owls fly into the great hall.

"It's mail day." Ron smiles.

Y/N's Barn owl flies down to the table, handing her a white envelope.

The Forgotten Witch in The Goblet Of Fire (A Harry Potter Story) Part. 3Where stories live. Discover now