Chapter 17

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Bucky was in his room reading when his phone rang. "Hey Rogers. Wh-" Bucky couldn't finish the sentence as Steve yelled at him.

"Come down here now. I need you." Steve yelled at him.

"Whoa, calm down. I'm coming." Bucky said as he put his book down and went downstairs. His room was on the floor was below your and Steve's floor. He saw Steve pacing the living room. He came closer and saw him fisting his hair and cursing something. "What's wrong?" Bucky asked.

"They got Y/N." Steve said, stopping in front of him. "Pierce got her. They said if I don't leave Rumlow they'll.." Steve stopped, not wanting to think about that.

"Wasn't that Parker kid with her?" Bucky asked. "Try calling him."

"Yeah." Steve pulled out his phone dialing Peter's number that Tony had sent him. Steve heard the ringing till it went tp voicemail. "He's not answering. I'll try again."

Steve called Peter three times but he didn't get any answer. "Do you think they took him as well?" Bucky said.

"I don't know, Buck." Steve sat down on the couch.

"Tell me what happened." Bucky said.

"We were watching TV when Y/N got a call from her friend saying she wanted to meet and catch up. I told her no, but she wanted to go. So she said she'll take Peter with her. I let her go on that one condition. And then two hours later I got a call from her saying there was a car chasing them. Then I talked to Parker to bring her home safely. I don't know what happened after that but a few minutes later, I got a call from Y/N, I heard her voice. It was just a whisper, like she was hiding from someone but then I heard a man, h-he said if I didn't come to the address he sends along with Rumlow then... Oh God." Steve ran his hands down his face in defeat. "I don't want to loose her, Buck. I want her back."

"We will, Steve." Bucky said, putting a hand on his best friend's shoulder. "Maybe we should call Tony. He can help us. Plus he deserves to know."

"Call every single men we have. I don't care who's doing what. I want them focusing on one and one thing only." Steve said. "Call Stark. I'm not in the right mind to talk right now."

"Sure." Bucky said as he walked away to talk to Stark.


"Do you know where she might be?" Tony asked Steve.

"I don't know." Steve said.

"Oh come on. You might have some idea. You used to work with him." Tony said. "There might be a place he'd use for something like this."

"It's been years, Stark. I don't have any idea." Steve said, once again starting to pace his office. "He's not a fool to use those old places again."

"Fine, fine." He said, "Have you got the message yet?"

"No, not yet." Steve said, looking at his watch. "It's been three hours."

"You knew it was dangerous, and yet you let her go. Why? Why did you let her leave the house?" Tone yelled at Steve.

"I told her not to. But she said she'd take Peter with her. You know how stubborn she is." Steve said calmly.

"This is all your fault." Tony said, "All your fault."

"Oh so you're blaming me now? It was your man that was there with her. He was supposed to protect her." Steve yelled. "I know I should have been careful but what the fuck were you doing? Huh? I thought you were always taking measures to make sure Y/N was okay."

"At least I take responsibility of it. What are you doing?" Tony asked.

"What am I doing?" Steve said, "I have my men search the whole city. I am taking efforts to find her because it's my fault she's been taken." The argument was interrupted by a knock. "Come in." Steve yelled.

Sam opened the door and walked inside. "I checked the old hideout you told me about. It's empty. No one has stepped foot in there in years. There's not even electricity there." Sam said.

Steve sighed, "What about Buck? Where is he?"

"I called him a few minutes ago. He's on his way back. Even he didn't find anything." Sam said.

"Fuck." Steve whispered and sat down in his seat. He sighed and closed his eyes. Wishing for this nightmare to end. He wanted you back in his arms and never let you go.

"What else can we do, Rogers?" Tony said.

Steve scoffed at the sentence. "There's nothing we can do other than waiting."

"Maybe we should plan it out." Tony said.

"What plan? There's nothing we can do, Stark." Steve said.

"Yes, we can. You think he's gonna let you go alive?" Tony said.

Steve shook his head, "What are you saying, Stark?"

"I am telling that you will go in there before the said time. Find and get Y/N out of there. And if anything happens I'll be there as backup." Tony said as he walked to Steve's side of the table. "I don't think that'll work, Stark." Steve said, "What if we don't have time?"

"Be positive, Rogers. We can work it out." Tony said.

Steve sighed and looked up at Tony, "Fine."

"Good, let's get prepared then."

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