Chapter 19

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Steve was all alone. He was kept in another room. Separated from Bucky and Peter. He had no idea where Y/N was. He wondered where she would be as he sat on the small bed in the room, leaning against the wall. Hands still cuffed behind his back.

He'd lost.


He was betrayed by the people he trusted over the years.

"Fuck." Steve mumbled as he shook his head, removing the thoughts from his head. He had to keep his mind clean if he had to get out of here. He jerked his head towards the door when he heard the juggling of the keys and the lock being opened. He stood up to see who it was.

He clenched his jaw when he saw Rumlow walking in with Pierce. "Hello, Rogers. You must be wondering why you're here?"

"No. I'm not. I'm actually thinking when I get to put a bullet in you." Steve said.

"I wish you could do that. But that's not why I'm here to talk to you." Pierce said and turned to Rumlow and whispered, "Go bring her."

Rumlow nodded and left the room. Steve kept looking at the door as he waited for Rumlow to come back. He had heard what Pierce said to him. Were they bringing Y/N in here? What were they going to do?

Steve's heart started beating a little faster when he saw Rumlow coming back and pushing a blonde haired girl on the floor in front of him. "Rora." Steve whispered.

The girl looked up at him, "Steve." She smiled at him and stood up.

"What the hell? H-How are you alive?" Steve asked. He couldn't believe what was happening. His little baby sister who was killed in their home is now standing in front of him. Alive.

Pierce laughed, "I never killed her, Rogers. I was very interested in you when you came to me as small boy. I trusted you and sold me out to the feds."

Steve scoffed at him, "You killed my parents. You were an idiot to believe I'd work for you." He said.

"Yes. But I wanted to see how far you'd go to get revenge for your parents. So I took her and kept her. All I did was drag you out of the room and fired. And you believed she was dead." Pierce said.

"Then why wait all these years?" Steve said, "You had me. You could've killed me right there."

"I was waiting for the perfect timing. And then you started dating Stark's sister. It just came together perfectly." Pierce said as he walked towards Steve and whispered. "I am going to enjoy this. First I will torture you, kill your sister and that whore of yours in front of you. And then I will kill you slowly. You'd wish you were dead."

"I'm gonna kill you. I swear to god I'm gonna kill you." Steve spat at him. If his hands weren't cuffed, he would have choked him by now.

"Spend the time you have together. Cause it won't be long till I have you on your knees in front of me, begging me to let you live." Pierce said, snapping his fingers at Rumlow. He walked towards Steve and uncuffed him. "Goodbye." He said and left.

Steve brought his hands in front of him and looked at Aurora. "Is it really you? Tell me this is not a dream."

"Yes, Steve. It's me." She said as she walked towards.

Steve cupped her face in his hands and kissed her forehead. "I missed you so much, Rora."

"I missed you too." Aurora said.

"What happened? I am so confused." Steve said.

"You remember when you told me to pack up and leave?" Aurora asked.

"How can I forget that day." Steve shook his head. "The nightmares still haunt me."

"I was packing when he came. He waited till you came home and you know the rest. Yes, he raped me but he didn't kill me." Aurora said.

"But how? I was there when he killed you. Rumlow knocked me outside the room but your body wasn't there when I woke up. I thought he disposed you off." Steve said.

"No. He purposefully dragged you out. He took me out through another door and just fired to make you believe I was dead."

"I'm sorry, Rora. I'm sorry." Steve sniffled, holding back his tears. "I should've looked for you. I shouldn't have believed them."

"It's not your fault, Steve. I know you tried." She said and hugged Steve. "It's not your fault."

"It is. I was supposed to protect you and I failed. Just like this time." Steve huffed and backed away from her. "It's all my fault."

"This time? What do you mean?" Aurora asked.

Steve sat down on the bed and sighed, "My girlfriend."

"So you finally found someone?" Aurora teased him.

"Rora.." Steve groaned.

"Sorry. Continue." She said.

"I had caught Rumlow. He told me that Pierce was alive. He said he knew I was dating Stark's sister, Y/N." Steve said. "I did everything possible to protect her, but he got her today. And when I came here to take her home, her brother betrayed me."

"Oh God. Is she okay?" Aurora asked.

"I don't know. I haven't seen her." Steve looked down at his feet, feeling defeated.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up for this. You had saved her. You didn't fail. The others failed you." She said. "Does she know about me?"

"Yeah. She does." Steve said.

"Do you love her?"

Steve smiled at her question, "More than anything."

"More than me?" She pouted.

Steve shrugged, "Maybe."

"It's fine. I don't mind." She said, resting her head against his shoulder.

"I promise you, Rora. I will get you out of here." Steve said, taking her hand in his when he noticed the marks on her arms. "Did he?" He didn't need to complete the sentence.

"Yeah. All these years. That's what is going on." Aurora said. 

"I'm sorry." Steve said.

"Steve. Stop apologizing. Please. I'm not blaming you."


"No, Steve. Stop." She said.

"Yes, ma'am." Steve said.

"Good. Now tell me how you met her."

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