Chapter 9

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You woke up alone in your bedroom, but you were fully clothed in your clothes you wore before. "Steve?" You called out, but got no reply. You got up and saw a note on his side.

- Hey, had to go. Received a call from your brother, he said he would be here by 4 o'clock. So, I dressed you up. You looked peaceful as you slept, so I didn't wake up. :) <3-

Yours, Steve.

P.S. Hide this note after you read it. Don't want your brother to know about us till we tell him.-

You smiled as you read the note. You then took your phone and looked at the time.


It was already 4 in the evening. You quickly hid the note in your backpack that was next to your bed and took your laptop and started working. Or at least made it look like you were.

A knock on the door made you jump. "Come in." You yelled. The door opened and you saw Tony and Steve standing at your door. "Tony, you're here early." You said, putting the laptop to the side.

"Yeah, wanted to surprise you." Tony said and walked in the room and hugged you as best as he could. "You good?" He asked, pointing at your leg.

"Yeah. The doctor said I could start moving to other rooms in a few days. But I would need help." You said.

"It's fine, sweets. I will help you now that I'm here." Tony said and turned to Steve, who was leaning against the door frame. "Thanks  a lot for taking care of her. It means a lot to me."

"My pleasure, Stark." Steve said.

"You're welcome, Steve. But could you help me get her bags downstairs so I can take her home?" He said.

"We're leaving right now?" You asked.

"Yeah. The sooner the better." Tony said. "We can have dinner together if we leave now."

You sighed. You weren't ready to leave this place so soon. "Okay. Fine. Let's go." You said but stopped when you remembered you needed help.

"Here. Hold onto me." Tony said offering you his arm.

You took his hand and helped you up. "Could you give me my backpack?" You asked.

"Sure." Tony said, giving you your bag. "Steve could you get this bag?"

"Yeah." Steve said as he took your suitcase. "Ready to leave, Y/N?" He asked.

Y/N. He said your name. You felt bad that he didn't call you princess. He always called you princess. Even before you were dating. But you had to wait for that until you told your brother.

"Yeah." You smiled at him.

Steve nodded and started to roll your bag outside your room and towards the elevator, followed by you and Tony.

You reached downstairs and walked to the car. "Hey, Peter." You greeted him as he stood by the car.

"Hey, Y/N." He said and hugged you. "Here, I'll help you." Peter took your handbag and went to open the trunk.

Steve helped Peter put your bags in the trunk and came back to your side. "I hope you enjoyed your stay, Y/N." Steve said and extended his hand for you to shake.

You shook his hand, "Thank you, Steve. I really enjoyed it."

"Come on, Y/N. We need to leave." Tony said.

Steve smiled and opened the door for you and helped you in. "Oh, uh. Tony." Steve said as Tony went to the other side of the car.


"Is it possible if we having a meeting at your place, tomorrow morning?" Steve asked.

"About what?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to discuss something with you." Steve said.

"Sure. I'll text you the time." Tony said, opening the door. "See you soon."

'Yeah. Bye." Steve said. Tony nodded and sat in the car.

Steve stared at the car as it drove off and was soon out of sight. "You love her, don't you?" Steve jumped when he heard Bucky behind him.

"Shit, Buck. You scared me." Steve said.

"Sorry." He said. "But, like I said, you love her, don't you?"

"What are you talking about?" Steve said as he made his way inside his house.

"Stop acting like that. I know you better than anyone else." Bucky said as him and Steve sat down on the couch.

Steve sighed, knowing his friend was right, "Yeah, Buck. I know it's been just two weeks, but yeah. I love her."

"When are you telling Tony?" He asked.

"Tomorrow morning." Steve said. "That's why I arranged the meeting."

"That's good." Bucky said. "Better keep him informed."

"Yeah." Steve chuckled.

Steve's phone dinged with a notification and Steve looked at it. "What is it?" Bucky asked.

"I ordered something for Y/N. I wanted to give something to her because I hurt her foot so..." Steve said. "Can you take from the guy? I'll be upstairs."

"Sure. No problem." Bucky said as Steve made his way to his bedroom.

Steve got dressed in his sweats and lied down on the bed. He was sad that you were gone. The house felt empty. It was only a few minutes, but he was already missing you, your laugh, your beautiful smile.

Steve took his phone and texted you.

Steve: Hey, made it back home yet?

Soon the three dots appeared.

Y/N: We just left.

Steve: I miss you, princess. Very much.

Y/N: Already? It's only been a few minutes, Stevie.

Steve: I know. That's why I arranged the meeting with Tony tomorrow. So I can come and tell him about us.


You smiled as you read Steve's text. But before you could reply, Tony said something. "Who're you talking to?" He asked.

"Oh, it's Maddie. She was asking if the photos were ready to be send." You said.

"You sure it was Maddie? You were smiling." Tony said. "Come on, I wouldn't hate it if you're seeing someone."

"I would have told you, Tony. Don't you trust me?" You said.

"Hey, I trust you, okay? It's just whoever you're dating that I won't trust." Tony said. "I don't want my baby sister to get hurt."

"Aww. Look at you getting all soft." You cooed as Tony smiled at you.

"Only for you, sweets." He said, patting your injured leg that rested on his thigh.

Thank god, your phone wasn't facing him. You were happy Steve had planned to tell him tomorrow. And you wanted to see how he would react.

"Just a second." You said and typed a quick response to Steve.

You: We'll talk later. Tony's getting suspicious. Bye. xxx.

You texted him and put your phone back in your pocket. Turning your attention to Tony you started a conversation with Tony as you guys went to your home.

Boss of Brooklyn ~ Steve RogersUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum