Chapter 5

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"How do you know Steve?" You asked Natasha.

"We've known each other for a long time. We work together." She said.

"You work with Steve?" You said in surprise. "With all due respect, I never imagined a woman being in such a business." You chuckled.

"Don't be surprised Y/N. There are many women in this business." Nat said. "You found anything?"

"No." You said. "What if I like it and he doesn't?"

"Steve is never the one to judge someone." Nat said.

You once again began rummaging through the racks of fancy dresses. You found a beautiful red dress. "How about this?" You said and removed the dress, showing it to Nat.

"Whoa. It will be hard for Steve to control himself if you were that." Nat smiled at you.

"Will he like it?" You asked.

"Like it? Girl he will love it." Nat smirked at you. "He will fall for you more if he still hasn't." You blushed when you heard what Nat said. "Oh god. You're blushing!" Nat said. "You like him don't you?"

"Nat. It's not that." You chuckled.

"It's fine. Don't tell me. I can see it in your eyes." She said. "Now go and try that dress."


After trying the dress you and Nat went went to the billing counter. "Cash or card?" The cashier asked.

"Card. Here" Nat gave him a card.

"Nat. What are you doing? Let me pay." You said and took your card holding it out.

"No. Put it back in. Steve would kill me if you do that." Nat said and pushed your hand away. "Consider it a gift from him."

You sighed knowing you lost the fight, "Okay, fine."


You were almost ready when you heard a knock on your door. Wiping the imaginary dust off of your dress you opened the door and saw Steve standing outside. "Hey, y-" Steve jaw dropped open when he saw you. "Wow. You look- You look amazing." Steve said.

"Thank you." You said and pushed a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Shall we get going?" Steve asked.

"Yeah. Of course." You said. "Just let me get my purse." You said and grabbed your clutch and made your way out.

"Let's go." Steve said and offered you his arm. You smiled at him and hooked your hand with his arm. Making your way to Steve's garage you saw the amount of cars he had.

"Looks like you love cars." You said.

"Yeah. I used to like them when I was a teenager." Steve said.

"Nice collection."

"Thank you. We are taking this one." Steve said stopping beside a black Cadillac. "This is Scott. He will be driving us." He said as a man came next to you.

"Hello ma'am. Hey, Rogers." Scott said.

"Hello, Scott. And please call me Y/N." You said.

"Yes. I will." Scott said.

"Let's go." Steve said and opened the door for you to slide in.

Steve helped you inside and got in after you. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise, princess. You'll like it. I promise." Steve said.

"Fine. Don't say it."

After driving for twenty minutes or so. The car stopped in front of a fancy restaurant. You looked at Steve with wide eyes.

Steve smiled at you and got out opening your door for you. "Come out, princess." He said.

You smiled at him and got out. Taking his hand, Steve led you inside. "Rogers." He said to the women at the desk.

The girl looked at the screen and smiled at both of you. "Follow me, sir." She said.

"You like it?" Steve asked as you sat down at your table.

"It's lovely, Steve. Thank you." You said.

"I'm glad you love it." Steve said.

"Hi, I'm Alex. I'll be serving you tonight. What would you like to order?" The waiter asked.

The conversation flowed easily between you and Steve. Like you two were very old friends.

"God. I'm full." You said after finishing your main course.

"Me too." Steve sighed. "Would you like some dessert?"

"No. If I eat I'll explode." You said, making Steve laugh.

"Okay. I'll tell Scott to come pick us up." Steve fished his phone out and typed something. The waiter came back asking for dessert. "No. Just bring the bill please." Steve said. The bill came and both Steve and you removed your cards to pay. "Put that back in." Steve said immediately.

"Steve, you paid for the dress. At least let me pay for this." You said.

"No. I asked you out for the date. So I'll pay." Steve said and put his card in the pay book.

"Ugh." You groaned. "Fine."

"Maybe next time, princess." He said.


Steve paid the bill and you made your way down, hand in hand. Scott was already waiting for you in the car.

"Thank you, Steve. I really enjoyed our date." You said as Steve sat next to you and closed the door.

"I'm glad you liked it." Steve said. Both of you stared at each other. Steve's eyes quickly glanced down at your lips and back to your eyes. "May I?" He asked.

"Yes." You answered and started to lean forward.

"Pull up the blinds, Scott." Steve said. Scott pulled the blinds up just as your lips touched his. A spark went through your body. You were damn sure Steve felt it too.

You felt his tongue on your lower lip and opened your mouth for him. Instantly dominating the kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you kissed passionately. Steve's hand were roaming all over your body. But unfortunately you had to pull apart for air. "That was amazing." You were shocked how quickly the kiss escalated.

"Yeah." Steve said and pecked your lips. "It really was." Still holding you.

"What do you say we continue this when we go back to my house?"


Sorry for the late update. Had too many ideas going on in my head. But finally I had a good one.

Enjoy reading!!!!!

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