Chapter 10

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"Hey, Y/N." Peter said as he knocked on your door.

"Come in, Peter." You said.

The door opened and he came in. "Mr. Stark's calling you in his office." He said.

"Now? Isn't he in a meeting with Steve?" You said.

"That's why he has called you." He said and gave you his hand to get up. "Come on."

You took his hand and Peter slowly helped you to your brother's office. You saw him standing at his table and Steve sitting in front of him. Both gave you a smile as you sat down next to Steve. "Hi." Steve mouthed to you.

"So, let's get straight to the point." Tony said, taking a seat. "You guys are dating?"

"Uh... yes." You stuttered, scared of your brother's reaction.

"Yes we are, Tony." Steve said confidently.

"God..." Tony sighed. "I wanted to keep her away from these things and now...." He motioned between us.

"Tony.." You started but was cut of by Tony.

"I don't have any problem with you guys dating.... how the hell am I supposed to keep you safe if you're related not only to me but him as well?" Tony said.

"I can protect her, Tony." Steve said.

"I know you can. I am just worried if he comes to know about her." Tony said. Steve had already informed him about Rumlow being in the city.

"Who is he?" You asked Tony.

"Trust me, Tony. I will protect her with my life. You know I will." Steve said, ignoring your question.

"No one, sweets." Tony answered with a sweet smile. "Look, I know you'll keep her safe. We both know how it feels to loose someone in this field."

"So, you're fine with all this?" You asked him.

"Yes, of course I am." Tony said.

"Thank you, Tony." You said.

"You're welcome, sweets." Tony said. "Parker, help Y/N, back to her room please." Tony said to Peter.

"I can take her, Tony." Steve said and stood up.

"Sure." Tony said, leaning back in his chair.

"Come on, Y/N." Steve said, helping you up and out of the office. You went to you room and closed the door behind Steve. "Princess, what are you doing?" Steve said before you smashed your lips against his.

"I missed you, Stevie." You whispered.

"Me too, princess. Now we don't have to hide anymore." He said. "Fuck, you're not supposed to be standing, sit down." Steve exclaimed and sat you down on your bed. "How is it?"

"Good. Still need help though. It's fucking irritating." You said, putting your head on his shoulder. "Can I come and stay with you again?"

Steve chuckled, "I'd love that, princess. But only if Tony agrees with it."

"I'm not a baby, Steve. I will stay with you if I want to."

Steve smiled and pecked your lips. "Sure, you can. But don't you think it's too soon for us?"

"Are you afraid, Steve?"

"No, no. I'm not. It's just...." Steve mumbled.

"Just what?"

"I....." Steve stopped and took a deep breath. "I love you, Y/N." Steve looked at you with sadness. "I'm sorry, I should've waited."

You didn't say anything just silenced him with a kiss. "I love you too, Stevie." You said.

"You do?" Steve said, a smile gracing his face.

"Yes, I do." You said.

"This is the most amazing day of my life."

"Is it?"

"Heck, yeah. I'll talk to Tony about the whole moving in thing."

"Be careful. He's a bit overprotective."

"Yes, princess. I love you." He said.

"I love you too."

Boss of Brooklyn ~ Steve RogersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora