241. Sweet Omegas And Their Love

Start from the beginning

"Do you mind?" He asked; Daichi shook his head as he quietly sat down beside his Omega.
"I didn't think having twins would be this hard," Ukai said as he lit his cigarette and taking a deep inhale of it before continuing.

"I thought after they were born that my protective Alpha instincts to would go back to normal, and they haven't," a stream of smoke flowed out of his nostrils as he talked. He paused for a moment to take another puff.
"I was wrong. Every time Tori or Torio make a sound, it sends me into protection mode. And Takeda can't even take a breath without me worrying that something is wrong. He got mad and told me to stay out here while he and the twins take a nap,"

Daichi couldn't help but to feel bad for his coach and mentor, but he also knew that Suga would have probably done the same to him if they had been in that situation. His sympathy was halted by the sound of Suga letting out a deep sigh.

"That doesn't explain where everyone else is," Suga said, agreeing with Takeda, knowing how obnoxious an overprotective Alpha could be.

"I think everyone is in their room," Ukai replied grimly and took another deep inhale of his cigarette.

Suga stood from the Table and gave Daichi a look that meant to stay there with their coach before heading out of the kitchen doorway.

Suga stood from the Table and gave Daichi a look that meant to stay there with their coach before heading out of the kitchen doorway

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"I'm fine. Can I go now?"  Hinata whined as he laid on his back while Kageyama held an ice pack to his eye. Kageyama shot him a glare and shook his head. Hinata groaned and rolled his eyes, and pushed his Alpha's arm away from him.
"I want to help Kenma finish his game, Bakayama,"

This time Kageyama let out a faint growl.
He felt a hint of guilt as he lqooked at his Omegas eye. He grabbed Hinata's hand and pulled him up.
"Sorry," Hinata rolled his eyes at the mumbled apology and got onto Kageyama's lap.
He knew his Alpha felt like his black eye and bloody nose were his fault.

"I'm the one that didn't receive the ball," he whispered and nuzzled his face into the crook of Kagryama's neck.

"Tomorrow we are going to go to the movies and Aquarium with Miwa, Elli, and Natsu... And after it will be just too and me, I promise,"

Kageyama moved his head a little so that he and Hinata were face to face.

"Please don't hate me,"

Hinata stared at his Alpha in confusion.

"Why would I hate you?" Kageyama scowled a bit as he looked at the black eye.

"I missed on purpose, okay? So can you stop acting like this?"

Kageyama became visibly annoyed and confused as Hinata let out a sigh and rested his head against his Alpha's shoulder,

"You said if I missed, I would owe you a lot more than just met buns... So I missed purpose. I didn't think you would toss the ball as hard as you did," Hinata could feel as Kageyama's muscles became tense at the confession. Hinata began to feel a little afraid at his alpha's silence until Kageyama started to laugh. Hinata wasn't sure if his Alpha had Gone delirious with anger, mad from the guilt, or if he had actually found it funny until he was suddenly being thrown onto his back with a hard flop. Kageyama was straddling him with his wrist pinned above his head, all while he continued to snicker.

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