Phillip now crosses his arms against his chest, puffing out slightly. "You think you and I are so different from one another," he motions between us. "We're not. The only difference is you'll leave her because of your occupation. I had a choice and made it before I could hurt her any further. What are you doing now? You're choosing to walk away from her every single day that you're a cop. You'll hurt her more than I ever did."

  My hands that have been hanging by my sides now clench into fists as my nostrils begin to flair. 

  The man takes a step towards me now. "You'll hurt her worse than I ever did. How many memories of me do you think she actually has?" My jaw twitches. "But with you? She'll relive those memories over and over, each one hurting her a bit more that she remembers them." His finger comes up and pokes against my hard chest. "Not very selfless of you, is it, officer?" 

  Instinctively my arm rears back, hand ready to connect with his jaw, until I hear the strong voice behind me. "That's Sergeant Evans, to you, Mr. Lucas." My arms drops as I turn to Opal, catching her gaze, bringing me back to myself.


Opal POV

  It's not fair. 

  It's not fair that the man who loved me for the longest in my life was taken away, only to bring in the man who walked away from me.

  It's not fair that I let this man continue to cause me to break over and over again.

  It's not fair that I still allow this man to hold so much power over me. 

  This is when it stops.

  Considering that my office isn't a great distance from the front desk area, I can hear Chris' voice getting louder. Unaware of what is actually being said, I can still tell by the volume that it can't be good.

  Carefully I stand, my dress covered in coffee. The floor around me holding the shattered pieces of the mug that I allowed to slip from my hand. I keep my eyes on the floor, watching where I step, before I grab the handle of the door. I unlock it and pull it open slowly, only cracking it to hear what's being said. 

  My  heart leaps as I hear Chris tell him that he loved the man my Pops was, only confirming what I'd already come to know. Chris loved Pops as if he was his own flesh and blood. 

  But it's short lived as I hear my father begin to question how he and Chris aren't really different from one another at all. His words making me nauseous as I listen to them, finding there is a sense of truth in them. I know it's his job, but yet Chris does choose to walk away from  me each day, knowing that might be the day he doesn't return to me. Every day, others are put before me, before us. 

  How do I live with that?

  I'm tired of hearing his words, knowing that they're making me question things that haven't bothered me in months. This has to stop for my own sanity.

  Throwing the door open further I take a handful of steps down the hall, holding my head up. 

  "Not very selfless of you, is it, officer?"

  "That's Sergeant Evans, to you, Mr. Lucas," I say with confidence as I step further into the room, looking directly at Chris. 

  His demeanor immediately softens as he looks into my eyes, even from a distance. His clenched fist releases before he shoves them both into his suit pockets. 

  "Opal," my father says, dropping the hand that was originally poking against Chris' chest. "I'm sorry about your grandfather-"

  "That's Miss Lucas to you." I make my way behind the desk, keeping my distance from him. "While I appreciate your condolences, they are unwelcomed, as are you. Please get your luggage and leave my establishment, Mr. Lucas."

  He actually has the nerve and audacity to cock his head to the side like he doesn't understand what I just said to him. I hold my head a bit higher. "Are you having difficult comprehending my words?" 

  Holding his hands palm up, he shrugs, looking around. "I don't see the problem here, or why I should leave?"

  "Then let me make it clearer for you, Mr. Lucas." He scoffs at me using his last name. I walk away from the desk, passing Lisa and Scott, and make for the door which has already been left open since Chris' entrance. I hold the knob tightly in my hand, my heart racing, as I smile. "I'm the owner of this establishment and have every right to not serve you."

  "Ope," he says with a smile, walking towards me as if he's going to pull me into a hug.

  My lips form a very tight line now, dropping all pleasantries as he uses my nickname. I put a hand up to stop his advances. "You don't have the right to use that name. The man that gave me that name picked me up after you broke me. Piece by piece he collected me, and put me back together. That name is only for those who have stayed by me. You left me when I begged you to stay. But this time," I take a deep breath, gathering every ounce of courage I can, "I'm TELLING you to leave me. Listen very closely." I take a step forward, moving about a foot away from him. "Get. The. Hell. Out."

  He doesn't move immediately. Why did I think he would actually grant me this request?

  "How does it feel?" he asks, causing me to quirk a brow but keep my face emotionless. "For everyone to constantly leave you?"

  My  hard expression falters at his words. I'm not alone as I see Chris actually lunge towards him, only stopping because Scott grabs him and Lisa stands in front of him knowing he won't hurt her.

  "Now," he says turning towards the small crowd around us, smirking, "if you'll excuse me, I have a family to get back to."

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