Chapter 35: Olive Branch

Start from the beginning


Running away to go shopping was on my priority list, but I didn't even find the perfect shoes for Mom or me to wear at the coronation. Everything right now was to prepare for the coronation, but I needed a breather from everyone.

So I made a pit stop, about an hour away from Haven's Way, to one of Mom and Aunt Ava's bookstores that wasn't open fully yet.

Maybe I  could just be alone, read a book and sort them out. My favorite things to do to keep my mind off of everything. Reading books were always my getaway. Carrying my large tote bag, and bag of heels I bought, I froze.

Imagine my surprise when I was not the first person in the bookstore.

Edith was carrying a box of box, pausing as she saw me open the doors of the store. Both of us were silent for a second.  Oh great- this is exactly what I didn't need.

"Freya?" she asked in surprise. "I didn't know anyone would be here."

"Me either," I said, wondering if I should make Des turn the car back around, but I came here for a reason. Shopping didn't do it for me. Leaving meant that Edith won. It would be even more awkward if I just immediately left. Even though I so desperately wanted to leave.

"Your aunt lets me help out the stores for some extra help when she needs to carry some things, so I offered."

"Huh. Where's West?" I looked around, hoping he wasn't here.

"Studying for a test," Edith smiled at that, and I just gave her a disgusted look. Remembering they both went to the werewolf academy. Wasn't that lovely that they both met each other there? I bet they had such a great time together.

Thinking about my own experiences left a sour taste in my mouth. In another lifetime, maybe I would grow out of my weird and unreasonable aversion to being Edith's friend. From the start of my time at school, I did have a group of friends. Friends who never treated me nicely. I realized it was never me who got invited to things- I was always left out. I never got a compliment or any kind of niceties from them. Realizing all the time they were jealous of me, but I gave them no reason to me. I tried - really, I tried to be so nice. Then Lainey came, and the same thing happened. Only, worse. I truly thought Lainey was best friend status.

My whole life people felt intimidated by me. They already made their assumptions about Freya Strdyer: spoiled, ditzy, full of herself, diva...the list goes on. Making friends is hard and Lainey's recent betrayal felt like a heavy boulder sitting on my chest. The pain though- that was strange of how it felt.

Humiliation that I had my supposed boyfriend for less than a week cheat on me with Lainey.

Was I even good enough?

I just couldn't do this right now. Suddenly, I couldn't breathe. I needed air. Without saying anything, letting Edith win this thing- whatever it was in my head- I walked out the bookstore. I couldn't even inhale properly before I heard a low growl of something I was used to hearing in Noctis Luna when the werewolves were training and fighting each other. 

Not at me.

Three shaggy looking werewolves with a stench that could make anyone want to puke, surrounded me.

"This is so not my day," I muttered to myself, about to run for cover as one of them pounced on me. I dodged it, but another louder growl-  Edith's wolf, I figured, fur a vibrant light brown tackled that werewolf.

I looked at my hands, trying to feel any magic. To conjure it up, but I felt nothing. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Unlike Erico, I didn't have any of my vampire traits. No speed or strength. My magic gave me that. Magic that was blocked off.

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