Chapter 28: Homecoming

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Year of 2021:  I finished The Vampire Prince and started The Hidden Alpha- can you believe that? Because I actually can't. From day one, I would never have guessed to be on my fourth story about Lance's family when I first thought of him.

Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me this year and the years before! Hope to see the same people and new ones in 2022.

As always, enjoy the chapter and make sure to vote/comment.




The gates of Haven's Way never looked so inviting. Warmth bubbled inside of me, as I was happy to come back home after all this time spending at the Academy. Coupled with the sense of dread. Why I was even walking by foot, no phone, with just my suitcase rolling behind me as I went down the side of the road.

Looking down, I blanched at what I was wearing: some kind of pilgrim pajama dress shirt that made its way to my knees with my pink flamingo flats. Honestly, I didn't want to even look at myself in the mirror. I probably looked so horrible and maybe even unrecognizable to myself.

One guard was posted outside the gate, standing tall in the standard black military style uniform. As I made my way closer to the gate, I noticed who it was. Des Reed, a younger generation of the guards, same age as Erico: 15 years old.

Des was a special case since Uncle Kenshi vouched for him, telling Grandpa he would be a promising guard one day. Des would usually train with Erico too.

His hat was low, so I couldn't see his eyes. It seemed like he was looking down while trying to look intimidating. I couldn't help but grin.

 Des cleared his throat, "Ma'am, I'll need your identification and purpose of being here."

I tilted my head to my side, bending down so he could get a better view of me. I waved. "Hi. Kind of hurt you don't recognize me."

Des took off his hat, all of the formality gone when he gawked at me. Open mouthed full on gawking. I gave another weak wave.

"F-Freya? Is that you back home after all this time? Oh my gosh- I couldn't even- I mean. What are you doing here? We didn't think we'd see you for a while. That's why King Damien was in a mood before he left again because he hadn't seen you. I have to say, why do you look so..." Des trailed off, trying not to offend me, but I looked down at myself again.

Worst part about this was that I actually had no clue why I felt like I hadn't taken a shower in days. My eyebrows crinkled, and I paused. Frowning. The last thing I remembered was being kicked out of the Academy for my magic going a little crazy, and I had to come to my parents to make sure they didn't disown me for it.

Oh yeah, right.

How could I even momentarily forget that huge part? My smile faded away, knowing that was only

My smile faded away, and something was wrong- why did I suddenly forget such an important thing? That was my only goal and only reason for coming home.

I'm home now. Everything was going to be fine.

Des noticed I was only staring at him. "Sorry, you know I should get you a car, shouldn't I? I'm just so surprised, as I'm sure your Mom and Erico would be."

"My dad isn't here?" I asked him, noting he didn't mention him.

"No," Des shook his head. "He's still been out for months across the countries. Erico and your Mom came with your Grandpa, and he stayed but they didn't."

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