Chapter 33 - Avenging

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January 25th, 1945

Steve's POV

After the funeral, I was allowed three days to mourn or do what I wish. I mostly stayed in my room only leaving to eat or drink. New York reminded me too much of the people that should be here but aren't. I used to love this city, it's always been a home to me. But now the bustling, lively city seems so empty, so bleak. And now I know the only reason this city felt like home is because of Madison and Bucky, the light in my life.

I was partially relieved to leave New York and go back to London. The night I got there I decided to go back to the Whip and Fiddle Pub, the last place Madison, Bucky, and I had fun. Although the pub had been bombed and looked nothing like it did that day. But I guess that is symbolic just like the war destroyed this pub a source of joy, it destroyed my source of joy.

I plopped myself on a bar stool that wasn't ruined and grabbed a container of beer. I was alone for a while, just me and my thoughts until I heard footsteps approaching me. I looked over to see Peggy approaching me. "Dr. Erskine said that the serum wouldn't just affect my muscles, it would affect my cells. Creating a protective system of regeneration and healing. Which means I can't get drunk," I told Peggy. There is not a time that I wished I could get drunk more than now. " Did you know that?"

"Your metabolism burns four times faster than the average person. He thought is could be one of the side effects," Peggy told me as she grabbed a chair and sat in front of me. "It wasn't your fault."

"Did you read the report?"


"Then you know that's not true."

"You did everything you could," Peggy was trying to make me feel better. But she doesn't know what it's like to be the reason the loves of your life are dead. Knowing that the only reason you are still standing here is because they are dead. 

"Did you believe in your friends? Did you respect them? Then stop blaming yourself. Allow Barnes and Hayes the dignity of their choice. They damn well must have thought you were worth it," Peggy did have a point. But it's still my fault that I wasn't strong enough to save them.

"I'm going after Schmidt. I'm not gonna stop until all of HYDRA is dead or captured," I declared. It's time I get off my ass and avenge Bucky and Madison. And by the end of this the three of us will be together again.

"You won't be alone."

February 4th, 1945

I found myself back at the Allied headquarters in London planning how to take down HYDRA. "Johann Schmidt belongs in a bughouse. He thinks he's a god, and he's willing to blow up half the world to prove it. Starting with the USA." Phillips explained.

"Schmidt's working with powers beyond our capabilities. He gets across the Atlantic, he'll wipe out the entire Eastern Seaboard in an hour," Stark added as he sat at the table.

"How much time do we have?" Jones asked.

" According to my new best friend, under 24 hours," Phillips answered. I know he is talking about Zola who I really want to murder right now, being that he is the reason we were on that train in the first place. And according to Jones, Zola is the one who ordered that Hydra agent to kill Bucky and Madison.

"Where is he now?" another soldier asked.

"Hydra's last base is here," Phillips pointed to a picture of mountains, "In the Alps, 500 feet below the surface."

"So what are we supposed to do? I mean, it's not like we can just knock on the front door," Morita commented. And this is when I got a stupid idea.

 Why not?" I asked pulling all the attention to me, "That's exactly what we're going to do."

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