Chapter 11 - Bacon

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Bucky's POV

I woke up next to Steve and was confused when Madison wasn't in bed. Steve was still asleep and was laying on my right arm and holding my left hand, meaning I couldn't leave to find Madison without waking up Steve. So while I waited for Steve to wake up I played with his hair.

Luckily it was a few minutes before I watched Steve's eyes crack open. "Ah good morning sleeping beauty," I chuckled slightly with a bright smile.

" Good morning Buck," Steve had a grumbly morning voice, that turned me on but I had to push that feeling down. " Where is Madison?"

" I don't know I would have gotten up to find her. But I didn't want to wake you up," I explained.

"Oh well we should probably go find her," Steve sat up and swung his feet so they were dangling over the bed. He stopped for a moment to rub the sleep out of his eyes.

We walked out of the room and immediately knew what Madison was doing. The entire cabin smelled like pancakes, eggs, and bacon. " Well, I guess we know what Madison is up to," I chuckled walking next to Steve. My guess was right, as we entered the kitchen Madison was bringing stacks of pancakes over to the table, where there was already orange juice, pancakes, and BACON!

"Wow Madison you didn't need to do this," Steve said catching Madison's attention.

"Hey, I thought I was going to have to come in there and smack you with a pillow, and of course, I did Stevie how else was I going to feed my two favorite boys?" Madison laughed as she set down the massive stack of pancakes.

"You didn't need to make so much, you're not feeding an army," I pointed out and Madison looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Bucky I have seen how much you eat, all this food is completely necessary," Madison laughed, her eyes brightly shining. " Now sit down so we can eat."

Madison sat in between Steve and me, just like we have always done pretty much since we have known each other. As soon as everyone was sat down we all began to dig in. "Mhmm, this is delicious," I moaned.

" I agree with Buck, these are the best pancakes I've ever had," Steve added.

" I've made pancakes for you before," Madison pointed out.

" Yes well they keep getting better every time," I added with my mouth full of pancakes.

" James as much as I love your compliments, please don't talk with your mouth full of food," Madison scolded me. She even used my given name, which usually made me feel like I was in trouble, but hearing Madison say it turned me on. What is wrong with me today? Why am I getting so turned on? Get it together James!

"So what are we doing today?" Steve asked.

"Well, I was thinking we could go into Lewiston which isn't too far from here, and go shopping. Unless you want to do something else." I have never been to Lewiston but I also haven't been outside of the city in a long time.

" I think that sounds like a great plan, what about you Stevie?" I turned to look at Steve.

" I agree with Buck. I haven't been to Lewiston since I was a kid." Steve nodded. I almost forgot Steve used to come over here for the holiday since his grandparents lived up here. That is until they both passed away when Steve was 7 which was before Madison and I met him.

" Well, it's a plan then. Why don't you two get ready while I clean up," Madison suggested just like she had done yesterday. While she lived at home she always did the cooking and cleaning for her ungrateful family and even years later the habits she learned still showed through.

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