Chapter 2 - Best Friends

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I don't think I have ever hit it off with someone as quickly as I have with Madison, well except for Stevie of course. But where would I be without Steve? I would go to the ends of the earth for him, I promised all those years ago when I saved him from bullies the first time that I would never leave his side. And here I am seven years later still by his side and I wouldn't change it for the world. Honestly, I couldn't tell you what I did to deserve Steve in my life. While at times he can be a little shit who constantly gets into fights and is as stubborn as hell most of the time he is an adorable little artist who constantly sticks his tongue out slightly when he's thinking and loves hot chocolate. While Steve and I are chatting outside Madison approaches us with a small hey and a cute smile. I don't quite understand how she doesn't have every guy at school pining over her, she is by far the prettiest dame I have ever seen, with her stormy gray eyes, long curly dark hair, cute smile, and freckles that dot her nose and cheeks.

"Hey, you ready to go?" I question, returning her smile with my own.

"Of course. I'm only at school the bare minimum necessary." Her comment makes me feel guilty, everyone at this school seems to hate her and some people go out of their way to make her life a living hell. I just don't get it. How does being an immigrant change anything about you? So what if you weren't born in America or you have an accent? It doesn't mean you're any different than anyone else. And other than being unbelievably kind and drop-dead gorgeous, Madison is just like everyone else at this school.

I decide not to react to that sad fact and instead continue on smiling as I drape my arms around Madison and Steve's shoulders, pulling them into me. "Well, let's go then. Don't want to be late for supper."

"Wait, Bucky, do your parents know we are coming?" Madison questions as we exit the schoolyard.


"Won't your ma be upset if you randomly show up with a stranger?" Madison inquires as she looks up at me, her eyes wide with worry.

"Don't worry Maddie," Steve speaks up before I can. "The Barnes family is very welcoming and have become used to me randomly showing up."

"See, you'll be fine. Besides it has become somewhat of a tradition for me to randomly bring friends home, my ma has come to expect it. And I can guarantee my ma will love you."

"If you say so," Madison mumbles under her breath, uncertainty clouding her gray eyes. "Do you live down here?" she asks once we turn down my street.


"I live just a few streets over. In Brownsville." Brownsville? That's the worst neighborhood in the city. My ma doesn't want me going down there due to the high crime rate. I've heard stories of the poor living conditions and how dangerous it can be at night. I can't imagine Madison walking those streets alone. "I don't really leave the apartment though. Only for school and errands."

"Well now ya have an excuse to leave, so you can come hang out with us."

Soon enough I come to a stop in front of my family's brownstone. It's a little run down, some of the bricks are missing, and the windowsills need to be repainted but I love our home. My mum works hard to keep our home clean. The grass is neatly cut, the flowers remain perfectly kept and the beds they sit in remain weedless. "Welcome to my humble abode," I announce with a dramatic flourish of my hand a low bow. Madison starts giggling as we walk up the steps to which I can't help but smile widely. I glance over at Steve who seems rather unamused at my antics. Then again he rarely ever finds me funny.. So you can come hang with us!" Steve tells her, excitement glowing in his ocean blue eyes.

"Of course, what better excuse to leave," Madison giggles and I must say it is one of the cutest laughs I've heard.

I come to a stop once we reach my house. My family's brownstone is a little run down, a few bricks need to be replaced and the window sills need repainting. But my mother works hard to keep the house looking as nice as possible. The grass is neatly mowed and the flower beds have no trace of weeds among them. I love our home, especially during the recession when a lot of people don't even have homes. "Welcome to my humble abode," I annonce with a dramatic hand flourish and bow which makes Madison giggle and Steve roll his eyes. I lead them up the stairs and quickly open the door. "Ma! I'm home and I brought guests!"

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