Chapter 18 - Reunited

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Bucky's POV

We got shipped out earlier than expected because one of the fronts in France had been ambushed and a battalion had been pinned already losing half their men. This whole experience seemed surreal I went from doing simple training exercises working to hopefully become a sniper to being sent to the war front.

We still had about two hours before we were supposed to arrive when Lieutenant Johnson made an announcement. " Attention! We have received word from the troops on the front, Colonel William Millers has been killed and is now being replaced by Colonel Madison Hayes. She has informed us that they only have enough ammo to last them two hours. The Nazis are continuing to advance on them. Once we get there you will immediately work to relieve the soldiers, which means we will arrive guns blazing. Do you understand?"

" Sir, yes Sir!" we all exclaimed. I couldn't help but worry about Madison. She has been holed up surrounded by Nazis and she is running out of ammo. I don't want to imagine what Madison has gone through the last several days, but my mind can't help but think the worst.

As we approached the war front you could hear the gunfire, men shouting, and bombs going off. " Men be ready once we pass that tree line!"

It took us about two hours to take down or chase off the Nazis since they quickly realized they were outnumbered. The only problem was the men we came to reinforce were all dead. When the Nazis realized reinforcements had come they bombed the men who had been trapped in a trench, meaning the 141st Infantry now only consists of one woman. There is one other man who survived but he had been sent from a different battalion.

I've only been here about three hours two of which were spent fighing and I am already exhausted, I can't imagine how Madison felt stuck for a week with no reinforcements. I tried to find Madison in the crowd and it took a while with all the soldiers celebrating the victory. I wouldn't really call what happened a victory since over 2,000 men are dead.

But I heard her call my name and I turned around making eye contact with her. " Bucky!" she yelled again before half running half limping towards me.

" Oh my God! Madison!" I picked her up in my arms spinning her around.

Once I set her down she clutched her side in pain, "Ow."

I saw her take her hand away and I couldn't help but notice the blood on her hand, " Madison, are you okay?" that was a stupid question, she is bleeding.

" I think I need to see a doctor," Madison groaned as the pain got worse, most likely because the adrenaline wore off.

" You think?" I said with a sarcasm laced in my voice as I swung my arm under Madison's shoulder so I could hold her up and help her walk towards the medical tent.

" Bucky I don't need help, I got it," Madison groaned, even though I noticed the blood loss was beginning to make her loopy.

" Madison you just survived an onslaught from the Nazis and just got shot, " I reminded her as I began to half carry her, half drag her towards the medical tent.

" Actually I think I got shot over an hour ago," Madison panted as the pain started to get to her.

" Madison!" I scolded as we entered the tent and I looked around for an open cot.

" What was I supposed to do? I was being surrounded by Nazis. I can't just walk up to one and ask them nicely for a bandaid!" she exclaimed as I began to walk her towards a cot at the far end of the large tent.

" Ok, you got a point there," I sighed.

" Yes, I know," Madison groaned as I helped her sit down on the cot.

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