Chapter 15 - Enlisting

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ANNOUNCEMENT! The next several chapters will be much shorter than the previous ones because I will be jumping between POVs more often. Hope you are enjoying the story so far if you have any suggestions let me know.

Bucky's POV- New York City

Watching Madison leave is one of the most heart-wrenching experiences I have gone through. It's worse than when I said goodbye to Rebecca all those years ago because I at least knew my sister was going to be safe. Madison, on the other hand, is literally going to a war zone and as much as I may tell myself I will see her again a small part of me knows there is a chance she will never come back and that breaks my heart.

But I have to be strong, it is just me and Steve over here and me worrying about Madison won't help anyone. I watched as Madison disappeared into the crowd and Steve and I didn't move for a few minutes staring at where Madison was swallowed by the crowd.

I turned to Steve when I had a probably stupid idea. " What do ya say we head down to the U.S. recruitment center and enlist?"

Steve looked at me slightly surprised since I have never shown any interest in joining the army before, " don't you think that is doing something stupid?"

" Probably," I shrugged, " but I can't just sit here comfortably will people like Madison is fighting to protect us."

" Your right we can't do nothing while men and women are putting their lives on the line," Steve agreed and I am glad so we left the airport heading to the recruitment center to join the war, which Madison might kill us if she finds out but we will deal with that later.

It didn't take long for us to drive to the recruitment center. Luckily there weren't very many people hoping to enlist so we got in almost immediately. It took a while to fill out all the paperwork but afterward Steve and I were ushered away to be seen by the doctor for a physical.

I passed my physical with flying colors, which wasn't a surprise. " Congratulations, Mr. Barnes, you will receive your orders in the mail," the Doctor handed me back my papers and I left to go find Steve in the lobby.

I was surprised to see Steve looking down at his paperwork sadly and I realized he probably didn't pass, "you ok, Stevie?"

" Yeah, I am just disappointed. The doctor told me all my illnesses disqualified me, shouldn't be surprised really," Steve told me sadly, though I was secretly glad, I don't need the war claiming both the people I love.

" That's alright, there is plenty you can do to help the war effort in the safety of the city," I tried swinging my arm around him and leading him out.

" I know it's just hard to think that there are people laying down their lives while I am sitting here perfectly safe. It's hard to think that Madison is out there risking her life while I am here, it doesn't feel right."

"Steve one of the reasons Madison didn't put up much of a fight to be sent overseas is because she knew she was doing it to keep you and me safe," I explained, I knew Madison always wanted to join the army mostly because she wanted to stop what happened to her family from happening again.

" I know, I just feel so useless," Steve sighed.

" Steve you are not useless, you are what will keep me sane while I am over there. Knowing I am doing this to keep you safe and end the war before more people die," that seemed to calm Steve's spirit cause he seemed to brighten up a little bit.

" Let's go home I'm cooking dinner," Steve said with a smile as we walked towards the car.

" We should have spaghetti," I suggested.

" As you wish," Steve smirked. God, I love spaghetti almost as much as I love Steve and Madison.

Together Steve and I, well mostly Steve made spaghetti I just boiled the pasta. Nothing feels the same without Madison, she should be here with us not overseas. It seems so empty without her. I know it's only been a day but I miss her so much and seeing her empty spot at the dinner table.

"I miss her," Steve mumbled and I noticed he was staring at her empty chair just like I am.

"I know. I miss her too. But hopefully it won't be too long before she is back here safely with us," I stated optimistically though this war could be just as long and devestating as the last one.

"I don't want what happened to my father to happen to her," Steve admitted and I reached out and squeezed his hand.

"That won't happen. Madison is a fighter and we both know she will do her best to get back home to us," I promised though we both know I can't promise anything.

"I know she probably hasn't even landed yet but I can't help worry that something horrible is going to happen."

"I know I can't guaruntee Madison's safe return but I can promise that she will fight for us. We all know Madison doesn't go down without a fight and those Nazis have another thing coming." Steve seemed feel a little better but we both know there is a chance Madison will never return.

"Why don't we go watch a movie?" I suggested once we finished dinner and we washed the dishes. We finally got a t.v. a few months ago though we haven't used it a lot.

"I'll pop some popcorn," Steve suggested as he popped up from his seat and moved into the kitchen.

"I'll go get us a blanket," I added as I moved to the small linen cupboard that held all our blankets, towels, and sheets.

By the time I came back Steve was sitting on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn. And the t.v. was on Citizen Kane just now starting. The moment I sat down Steve scooted closer and rested his head on my shoulder so I snuck my arm around his waist and pulled him closer.

"I wish Madison was here to watch this with us," Steve murmered as he looked away from the t.v. to look at me and I couldn't help but notice the unshed tears in his eyes.

"I know Stevie, I know. But there is nothing we can do but wait for her to return home."

"But what if she doens't return home? What will we do?"

I didn't know how to answer Steve's question because I have been thinking the same thing. I don't know what I'd do if we lost Madison and I don't want to have to think about it. "I don't know," I admitted. I wish I could provide more comfort but that would require me to lie and I don't lie, not to Steve.

Steve remained quiet for the rest of the movieand just as the credits started rolling I felt the weight against me get a little heavier and I know Steve fell asleep. I glanced over at him to see he appeared to peacefully sleeping so I just sat there watching the credits not wanting to move and wake Steve.

Eventually the credits ended so I turned the t.v. off and gently picked Steve up somehow managing not to wake him. I carried him into my room figuring he wouldn't want to sleep alone. I carefully changed him out of his clothes and into pajamas before doing the same and crawling into bed next to him.

Steve woke up slightly as I was getting in next to him. "Bucky?" he whispered as his tired half asleep eyes met mine.

"Shhh Stevie go back to sleep," I ordered gently as I pulled him into me.

"Mhmmm," Steve hummed in contentment as he cuddled further into me, "I love you Bucky."

I could feel myself blushing though its dark and Steve is mostly asleep so luckily no one can see, "I love you too Stevie, more than almost anything."

"I love Madison too," Steve added.

"And Madison. I love you both more than life it's self."

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