Chapter 17 - Reinforcements

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Madison's POV

Unlike all the other men on the plane, I did not go straight to the war front. Instead, I went to a military headquarters in London. I spent ten months playing strategist with Colonel Phillips and learned about the plans for Project Rebirth.

When Dr. Erskine sent me a letter telling me Steve was a candidate I couldn't have been happier. If there is one man that I could have chosen to receive the super-soldier serum, it would be Steve. But now I am on the war front and have been for three months now.

I knew the war was bad but I didn't know it was this bad. I have seen many good men, some of which I would call my friends die. I miss Steve and Bucky terribly, but they are what keep me going, I am doing this for them. Although thanks to the letters I got both Steve and Bucky are going to be joining the war. I had secretly hoped they wouldn't be deployed, that they would remain safe. But life had other plans and now they will both be in Europe fighting for their lives and I can't do anything to protect them.

But as much as I love Bucky and Steve they haven't been on the top of mind since right now my troops and I have been cornered in Azzano and are waiting for reinforcements. I have lost over half of my battalion, by some miracle we are still managing to hold off the Nazis. I haven't eaten in two days, and haven't slept in four. We are on our last limb but we need to hold off for just eight more hours before the 107th comes to rescue us.

"Lieutenant Colonel, I am afraid I have some bad news!" Sergeant Davis came running over dodging gunfire before jumping into the trench beside me.

"What is it, Davis!" I yelled poking my gun out shooting at a few Nazis who tried to jump the trenches.

"Colonel Millers is dead, you are in charge now!" Davis yelled. Millers replaced Colonel Phillips who returned to the states to oversee Project Rebirth, he was replaced by Millers who was only Colonel for six days before the Nazis attacked.

"Thank you! How are we doing on supplies, and where are our reinforcements?" I yelled. You may think that sounds harsh since I just found out my superior died. I don't have time to grieve right now, letting my emotions get to me will get me and my men killed.

" We are almost completely out of food and ammunition. At the rate we are using ammo we will run out in two hours. Reinforcements have been informed of our situation and they are now two hours away!" Oh, thank God for at least some good news.

" Ok here is what we are going to do! We need to conserve ammo, only shoot when you have a clear shot!" I ordered and Davis scrambled for his radio relaying the orders to my scattered troops.

" What are we going to do?" Sergeant Davis looked at me. Davis was about five years younger than me and I have come to see him as a brother.

" We fight! We need to hold off the Nazis until we get reinforcements. We cannot let the Nazis gain this war front or we could lose this war!" I yelled.

" Ok, let's kill these damn NAZIS!" Davis yelled at me.

Two Hours Later

" DAMN IT!" I finally ran out of bullets, Davis ran out 30 minutes ago meaning we are sitting duck.

" What do we do now?" Davis looked at me and I saw genuine fear in his eyes.

" You stay here!" I ordered, I could see the troops approaching and we were about to lose this front, I can't let that happen.

" With all due respect Colonel, where you go I go!" I looked at Davis with such respect and admiration.

" Alright let's go fuck with some Nazis!" I exclaimed before jumping out of the trench right towards a cluster of Nazis who were approaching.

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