Chapter 4 - Presents

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July 4th, 1933

Madison Balotelli's POV

The last year has been fairly uneventful. I mean I got a job working for an amazing German scientist by the name of Abraham Erskine. Despite all the terrible stereotypes surrounding the German people I love working with Erskine. He has taught me so much including a little bit of German. Really this "job" is more of an amazing class I am being paid to take.

Every hour that I am not working, at school, or at home sleeping I spend with Steve and Bucky. They are honestly the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am so lucky to call them my friends. When I was younger I always imagined I would be alone in life, at least that's what my family at home always tells me. Yet Steve and Bucky came into my life fists flying. Or at least Bucky came into my life fists flying. And now the rest is history. I love Steve and Bucky, probably more than I should. I know my heart longs for more but my brain reminds me that people like Steve and Bucky don't go for the girls like me. And our friendship is too precious to me and I would never risk jeopardizing it by telling them my feelings.

I have been excited for this day for months. Not only is it Independence Day, the day everyone celebrates America by blowing stuff up but it's also Stevie's birthday! I have been planning Stevie's present for months and have been saving up since I spotted the compass on the way to work one day. It's more expensive than things I normally buy but for Stevie I would spend all the money I own to make him happy. I just have to hope he likes it.

Today we are celebrating Stevie's birthday at the Rogers' apartment with the Barnes family. I have been excited for two weeks and now all I have to do is sneak out of the apartment without any of my family noticing. I almost make it. I'm at the door about to open it when a voice stops me in my tracks. "And where do you think you are going?"

I turn slowly to face my uncle, who despite it being only 2 p.m. is completely wasted. "I work today," I lie while hiding Stevie's gift behind my back in hopes he hasn't noticed it.

"We both know you have today off. And people don't usually hide wrapped boxes behind their back." Oh no. This really isn't good. For months I have been taking a small part of my paycheck and hiding it from my aunt and uncle.

As slowly as possible I inch my hand towards the door handle, prepared to make a run for it. Normally I would never run from my family but I don't want to spoil Stevie's birthday by not showing up with a gift. "It's just a gift for my boss. As a thank you." I am lying terribly. I have never been a good liar and my uncle clearly notices.

"You are such a little liar," my uncle spits as he takes a menacing step towards me. "Give me the box. NOW!"

"I'm sorry uncle. I'm not going to do that." Is all I whisper before I throw the front door open and bolt out of the apartment, racing down the hall and away from my uncle.

"GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE BITCH!" my uncle's screams follow me but I ignore as I sprint down the rickety stairs. I don't stop running until I'm an entire street away before I slow down to a walk, trying not to focus on what will await me the moment I get home. Today is Stevie's 15th birthday. It isn't about me. Besides, I'm used to my aunt and uncle's punishments. Though I have never blatantly ignored my uncle before. I can't help but feel proud for standing up to my uncle. I was never brave enough till now.

I push all the thoughts of home aside as I walk up to the Rogers' apartment and gently wrap on the front door. I have barely retracted my hand before the door swings open and I'm surprised to see Rebecca standing there eagerly. "Maddie! You're here!" Is the only warning I get before Rebecca throws herself at me, wrapping her arms around my legs. Up until a year ago people called me by my full name, let's just say I am happy that I go by Maddie instead.

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