Chapter 14 - First Day

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TW: Mentions of Violence if this topic disturbs you please do not continue reading

August 24th, 1939

Madison's POV

I woke up bright and early surprised to see I was not in my bed like I had been earlier in the night but was in Bucky's. I was confused when I didn't see Bucky until I heard his bathroom sink turn off and the door open revealing Bucky.

I sat up and turned towards Bucky, "umm, Bucky what am I doing in your bed. The last thing I remember is falling asleep in my bed."

Bucky started laughing which made me even more confused, "you came in here in the middle of the night, clearly not fully awake, and proceeded to announce you couldn't sleep without out your "Bucky-bear" and then practically jumped on me and didn't let go the entire night."

I began to turn red from embarrassment, sometimes I would sleepwalk and it always ended in embarrassing results, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep you up."

" Madison for one it was adorable, and two you didn't keep me up if anything you helped me fall asleep faster," Bucky assured me and I gave him a slight smile. I then glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table and realized if I didn't get up now I would be late for work.

" Shit!" I exclaimed rolling out of bed so fast I fell to the floor with a thump before scrambling to my feet, " I'm going to be late for work."

"Language," Bucky called after me when I ran out of his room and I just rolled my eyes. He likes to make fun of Steve for saying it when he scolded me for cursing after I stubbed my toe.

I quickly ran to my room glad to see Peggy had neatly hung my uniform in my closet like she had promised me she would and I quickly threw it on, only pausing to make sure there were no wrinkles before I dashed to the bathroom to quickly do my hair, teeth, and makeup.

I then quickly walked into the living room to see Steve standing there holding out a piece of toast with jam on it, my favorite quick breakfast. " Here I made you some toast."

I quickly grabbed it giving Steve a quick peck on the lips before I stuck the piece of toast in between my teeth so I could quickly put on my heels. I looked up after putting my heels on to see Bucky standing next to me with the car keys.

"Here come on let me drive you to work," Bucky offered, holding out his hand so he could help me up.

The two of us said goodbye to Steve before hurriedly rushing to the car. I am almost never late, it gave me too much anxiety knowing I was running late. So hopefully this is the last time it will happen.

Luckily there wasn't much traffic so we got there fairly quickly. The headquarters I worked at was disguised as a large apartment complex since it is in the middle of Brooklyn. The government didn't want people knowing there was a government headquarters in Brooklyn so they disguised it.

" Have a nice day doll," Bucky said giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

" Bye, I love you Bucky," I said before running as fast as I could in these stupid heels.

I was glad to see I was three minutes early, not wanting to be late on my first day. I walked into the headquarters to see a familiar face waiting in the lobby. " Peggy it's so good to see you," I greeted pulling my only female friend in for a hug.

" Madison it is so nice to see you again. I was so glad to hear of your promotion to Lieutenant Colonel. You will be a nice break from all the testosterone." I have always loved Peggy's British accent and it made me jealous since I have pretty much lost my British accent over the years.

America's Trio- A Stucky X OC Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora