Chapter 30 - Giving It All

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Madison's POV

Steve and I had to go over the maps to make sure every part of our mission was completely planned out. "So we land in Zermatt, Switzerland at 1600 and we need to be in Novara, Italy before nightfall. Northern and central Italy are currently occupied by the Nazis so we will have to be careful." I explained as Steve and I looked over the map on the table in front of us. I felt a weight on my shoulder and saw Bucky was fast asleep on my shoulder. "I have a correspondent who is giving us several rooms in his inn for the night."

"Good at least we won't have to sleep outside. The first Hydra base is about 30 miles west of Florence, so we should arrive there tomorrow and we can proceed from there."

"After that, we will proceed to the other Hydra bases in Austria, Germany, Poland, and France. We will have to refuel and restock in Warsaw, Paris, and Vienna." I continued.

" Sounds like a plan. I just hope everything goes as planned," Steve said as he folded up the map.

"Steve nothing as ever been that easy. Besides this is Hydra and they seem to have made it their mission to make our life a living hell," I responded half joking.

"You are probably right but for now we should get some sleep," Steve suggested. I laughed internally, I rarely sleep. Steve doesn't realize that every time I close my eyes all I can see is what happened in Austria.

"Yeah we've had a long two weeks, and the next several months are going to be a living hell," I agreed. After awhile Steve ended up falling asleep on my other shoulder but I wasn't able sleep.

I couldn't help but think something was going to go very wrong. I cannot lose Bucky or Steve, I don't know what I would do. They have saved me in more ways than one, so if it ever comes to it I will give my life if needed. Hopefully it won't come to that. Before I even left I came to terms that I would die during this war but I won't let anyone else I care about to be claimed by war and I will do anything to stop that from happening.

The flight wasn't too long and before long we landed in the small airstrip in the small town of Zermatt, Switzerland. We all filed out and we were met by a small group of Swish soldiers who were part of the Allied efforts. " Oberst Wagner, vielen dank für das treffen und die vorräte," (Colonel Wagner, thank you for meeting us, and for the supplies)

"Das Vergnügen ist ganz meinerseits, Oberst. Den Nazis muss ihr Platz gezeigt werden. Außerdem bin ich ein großer Fan von Captain America." (The pleasure is all mine Colonel. The Nazis need to be shown their place. Besides I am a huge fan of Captain America.)

" What are you saying? I heard my name," Steve whispered in my ear.

" He said he is a big fan of Captain America," I whispered back.

" Oh well tell him I said thank you and I am in his debt," he whispered.

" Captain America ist Ihnen sehr dankbar für Ihre Hilfe und steht für immer in Ihrer Schuld." (Captain America is very grateful for you help and with forever be in your debt.)

" Ach nein! Captain America hat meinen Bruder in Österreich gerettet. Ich zahle die Schulden meiner Familie bei ihm zurück." (Oh no! Captain America saved my brother in Austria. I am repaying my family's debt to him.)

" Warum danke, Ihre Schuld wurde bezahlt. Wir sollten Italien eigentlich bei Einbruch der Dunkelheit erreichen." (Thank you, your debt has been payed. We should really be going to reach Italy by nightfall.)

" Ja, tut mir leid, wir haben drei Jeeps zur Verfügung gestellt. Sie sind voll ausgestattet mit Munition, Waffen, Lebensmitteln, Wasser und medizinischen Hilfsgütern." (Yes sorry, we have provided three jeeps. They are fully stocked with ammunition, guns, food, water, and medical supplies)

America's Trio- A Stucky X OC Love Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن