Chapter 29 - More Planes

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November 24th, 1943

Bucky's POV

The last week I haven't seen much of Madison and Steve. They have spent most of their time working on strategies to take down Hydra. I haven't even seen Madison in three days, Steve told me she has been working none stop with Colonel Phillips and Howard Stark. She was supposed to take a week off but I know at night she snuck off to the lab. I only know because I couldn't sleep at night and could hear her leaving.

Today is our last day in London before we head out to take down HYDRA bases. I haven't been needed for anything the last few days so I spent most of my time in the room I shared with Steve. It's late and I have been reading while I wait for Steve to get back. I am currently reading the Hobbit which is my favorite book that Madison got for my birthday in 1937.

I heard the door open and looked up to see an exhausted-looking Steve standing in the doorway. "Ah, there's my favorite Captain. How was work?" I stood up and walked over to Steve as he closed the door and pulled him in for a hug.

"Exhausting and stressful," Steve explained.

"I can tell," I chuckled as I took in Steve's disheveled hair and tired eyes.

"Do I really look that bad?"

"No I think you look hot, even at 3 a.m," I smirked.

"Wait, it's 3 a.m!" Steve seemed shocked. " I didn't realize it was so late. But why are you up?"

" I wanted to wait until both you and Madison got back," I explained.

"Is Madison not back yet? She promised me she would go to bed once she finished the project she was working on," Steve's tired persona disappeared and was replaced with worry. He has done this for the last three weeks, putting everything aside to make sure Madison and I are alright. I know he is trying to take care of us the way Madison and I did for years.

"Steve calm down, she probably lost track of time again. You get some sleep and I will go look for her," I assured Steve grabbing his arm before he could run out.

"But..." Steve tried.

"Nope no buts. You need sleep, you look like you are going to fall over. I will go look for Madison," I said pushing Steve onto the bed. " Stay here," I warned before leaving the room to go find Madison. Sure enough, I found Madison in the lab. But instead of working I found her passed out with her head resting on her desk.

I quietly walked up to her and gently shook her awake. "Come Madison it's time for bed."

Madison jolted awake and grabbed a screwdriver. "I wasn't sleeping!"

"Woah Madison, it's just me. And you need to go to bed," I scolded.

"What time is it?" She asked clearly confused.

"It's 3 a.m. and we are leaving today in six hours," I told her.

"Oh I didn't realize it was so late," Madison said standing up. Madison looked like she was about to sleep where she stood.

"Are you ok?" I asked worriedly as Madison leaned against me and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Mhmm, just tired," Madison whispered and I realized she was about to fall asleep. I turned to Madison and swooped her up bridal style. Madison didn't even argue with me, which shows how tired she is and instead nuzzled her face into my chest.

"Let's get you to bed doll," I whispered. Luckily I didn't run into anyone as I carried Madison to her room. No need to raise any questions as to why a Sergeant is carrying a Colonel. And not just any Colonel a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient. I remember when Madison and Steve stood up the awards ceremony electing to instead work. I am still amazed that two amazing soldiers still stay with me. I carefully walked into Madison's room, secretly glad Peggy wasn't here because that would be awkward. I gently set Madison in her bed and tucked her into bed.

America's Trio- A Stucky X OC Love StoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu