Chapter 12 - Burnt

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TW: SMUT!!! If this topic triggers you please do not read any further

Madison's POV

I woke up to the smell of something burning, someone cursing loudly, and someone else laughing. I was confused at first since the last thing I remember was being in the car with Bucky and Steve and then it all came rushing back and I remembered Bucky's promise to make dinner.

"Shit!" I cursed to myself half stumbling, half falling out of bed before walking towards the kitchen where the smell of burning was coming from.

I walked into the kitchen to see a disaster known as Bucky cooking had struck, there was a mess all over the kitchen, Bucky had flour all over him, and there was a very burnt casserole sitting on the counter. Steve on the other hand was sitting at the bar laughing his ass off.

"What is going on here?" I stood in the doorway looking at them with a mix of disappointment and humor.

"Don't be mad," Bucky looked like he was panicking, "I burnt our dinner."

At this, I started laughing, " I can see that, I just didn't realize we would be getting a visit from Hurricane Bucky too."

Steve was still giggling and even had tears in his eyes and Bucky looked like a wounded puppy. "I'm sorry I really have no clue what I am doing."

I then turned to Steve and looked at him sternly, "And you, you could have at least helped Bucky instead of sitting here laughing at him." Steve suddenly stopped laughing and now he looked riddled with guilt.

"I'm sorry," Steve mumbled like a scolded child.

"Now, here is what we are going to do. Steve you can start cleaning up this mess and Bucky, you are going to help me cook dinner," both boys jumped up to help, probably because they felt bad.

Bucky and I spent the next two hours cooking dinner which consisted of potato soup, salad, and some rolls that I had prepped this morning.

"I think we learned to not let Bucky cook again," Steve brought up as we began to eat.

"I think we should have learned after the last time when we got food poisoning," I giggled remembering the time both Steve and I got sick from a dinner Bucky had made.

"I agree we should just leave the cook to Madison, cause this is delicious," Bucky groaned, which made me turn slightly red and not because of the compliment.

"Sure I will cook and you two can clean," I responded.

" You sure there is something else we can do for you?" Steve asked in a flirty voice, which surprised me, the last time Steve flirted with a girl she ran off.

"Did Steven Grant Rogers just flirt?" Bucky gasped which got me to laugh.

"He did which is surprising since the last time he flirted the poor girl ran away," I laughed, and Steve started to turn red.

"You guys are butts," Steve grumbled crossing his arms and pouting.

"Oh don't worry Steve I think it's adorable," I assured him leaning over and giving him a peck on the cheek. I couldn't help but see Steve get a little flustered at that which made him even more adorable.

"So what do you guys want to do after dinner?" I asked changing the subject.

"I have an idea..." Bucky said with a mischievous smirk and I noticed his eyes darken slightly which turned me on.

" What idea?" Steve looked completely clueless and innocent, well at least he will be until tonight if I am right about what Bucky was implying.

"I think we will find out later," I responded before Bucky could say anything dirty, we didn't need to ruin Steve's innocence just yet.

America's Trio- A Stucky X OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now