Chapter 1- Saviour

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Warning: This book will contain death, mentions of rape, sexual assault and abuse, smut, and violence not suggested for anyone under the age of 18. This book will contain smut so be warned before continuing.

This book will switch POVs but it will be marked so you don't get confused, any words in italics will show what a character is thinking. Sometimes my grammar and spelling suck so let me know if you see any mistakes.

Hope you enjoy :)

2nd November, 1925

Madison's POV

Living in the small town of Dolgarrog, Wales was a simple life. I lived in a small flat with my mama, papa, and grandmama. I would walk to school every day with my friends. It wasn't anything special, but it was home. I loved the small garden we had and the stream in the woods behind my home. I was eating dinner when everything changed. It had been raining a lot, which of course was normal that time of year. What wasn't normal was the loud booming noise I heard. So being the curious almost seven-year-old I was, I left the table to peer out the window. That was when I saw the massive wall of water, moments before it hit the house and everything went black.

In a matter of a week, I buried my mama, papa, and grandmama, moved to a completely different continent, and met my aunt, uncle, and cousin for the first time ever. My mama had only briefly spoken of her estranged sister and her brother-in-law, apparently they had gotten into a big fight before my mama moved with my papa to live with my grandmama in Wales and my aunt moved with her husband to America where they later had my cousin. But regardless of never meeting them I traveled over 3000 miles with some government official and was dumped onto my very unhappy aunt and uncle.

The years following I always dreamed of making lots of friends when I got to school. My first day of school in America I wore my favorite white dress that my mama had sown for me, for special occasions and I put my hair in two pipe braids and tied white ribbons around them. I was so excited to make friends in America. I wanted to make an impression and an impression I made. Just not the impression I wanted. Turns out kids don't like girls who have a weird accent in between a British and Welsh accent and have a hard time speaking English sometimes. By the time I returned home, my hair was no longer in braids, my dress was all dirty, and I was sporting a nasty black eye and numerous cuts and bruises everywhere. The bullying only got worse once I started to excel in my classes. Not only was I a poor foreigner and an orphan but I had a weird accent, good grades, and was no longer extroverted. The prime recipe for bullying.

This is exactly how I found myself in the terrible situation that would end with me meeting the most important people in my life.

February 17th, 1931

I can't help but groan as I am pushed harshly against the rough brick wall in the school hallway. All I wanted to do was go to the bathroom, but of course, Matthew Walker was skipping and happened to notice me. I suppose this is what I get for refusing to do his math homework. I often get beat up when I don't do what I'm told so I suppose I should have been expecting it. "Do you remember what I told you would happen if you refused me?" Matthew spits, getting his gross facial juices all over my own face.

"Yes," I groan out as I try to get the air back in my lungs after getting it knocked out of me.

"That's right you little foreign shit. I promised to beat the shit out of you." I bring my hands up to block his now raised fist from coming down on my face when a new voice pulls my attention.

"Leave her alone!" I glance over Matthew's shoulder to see Steve Rogers, another 8th grader standing with his arms crossed and a stern look on his face. I've only ever seen him around school, maybe we've shared a class or two together in the past. All I really know about him is that he likes to pick fights with bullies and that his best friend is James Bucky Barnes, one of the most popular boys in school. He is about my height, maybe an inch taller. This, of course, means he won't exactly be much help against 5'8 180 180-pound Matthew Walker.

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