Chapter 16 - Breaking the Rules

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Steve's POV

The last year has been about as normal as it can be since we are at war. Despite it being illegal and much to Bucky's protest I have tried enlisting over and over again, desperately trying to get into the army. He keeps telling me that I can help here, but I don't want that. I want to serve my country and help others, just like Madison has been doing for the last year. While I'm too sick to do much of anything Bucky has been training to be deployed.

Every time I try to enlist is the same result, I am too sick and too skinny to be of any use. Bucky and I spend every waking moment waiting for two things, Madison's letters which she sends once a week, and Bucky's orders. I secretly hope they don't take him, it's selfish I know. But I've already lost Madison I don't want to lose him too. But I know it won't be long before they take him, he's in peak physical condition and an excellent marksman.

Today Madison's letters finally came and I knew immediately when Bucky came running upstairs with a huge grin on his face. He threw me my letter before walking to his room for some privacy, I eagerly opened my letter hoping a life on the front lines wasn't too rough.

Dear, Stevie

Two months ago I left London to go move to the front lines, the battalion I am in charge of is great. Most of them are kind and respectful and didn't doubt my abilities as a woman. But the war has been rough, I have only been on the front line for two months and I have seen more good men die than I care to admit. But nevertheless I am glad to be here fighting than stuck in an office going over the reports of all the men dying on the front lines.

Bucky told me about your rejection to the army, he also told me about you illegally trying to lie on your enlistment form to try and get in. While I think it is STUPID, I understand your thinking, I would have done the same thing. But Steve you have nothing to prove, I know you want to come here and fight but it isn't as wonderful as it seems.

On the other hand, we need more men like you, willing to fight, even die for the war to end. Just know I love and support you whether you are at home in New York or here fighting. I also know Bucky enlisted which means you are going to be alone. As bad as that may sound both Bucky and I need a cheerleader back home, someone we can fight for. Fighting is much easier when there is someone to come home to.

I think of you everyday that I'm here. I miss you so much Stevie you don't even know. I want you to know that I keep a picture of you and Bucky on me at all times so you will always be close to me. Even if I'm thousands of miles away seeing your faces even it's not in person makes all of this seem worth it.

Remember I love you, I will always keep fighting for you.

Love, Madison

I must say, when I was expecting this letter I mostly expected Madison to be mad at me, definitely not supportive. Her letter definitely gave me the confidence boost I needed. I just hope I am able to join the war maybe in time for Madison to come home safely.

I put down the letter just as Bucky walked out of his room. " Hey, Buck did you read your letter?"I already knew the answer but I asked anyway.

"Yeah, did you read yours?" Bucky asked me. We never talked about what was in our letters since Madison wrote us individual ones we didn't feel it necessary to share what was in them.

"Yeah, I did. I was thinking of going to the movies do you want to come with me?" Bucky's smile disappeared and was replaced with a disappointed frown.

"I wish I could but I have errands to run today," Bucky sighed, "but I can drop you off and come pick you up afterward."

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