Chapter 26 - Planes

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November 17th, 1943

Bucky's POV

The next morning I forgot where I was until I realized I was entangled with the two people who have become my whole world. I looked over at the alarm clock and realized it was time to get up. I was going to gently wake up the two up but a brilliant idea popped into my head. I carefully unraveled myself from Madison and Steve and tip-toed over to the metal trays left over from our dinner last night and walked over to Madison and Steve who were still sound asleep. Should I just wake them up naturally, probably? Do I want to? No. 

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, banging the metal trays together. Madison and Steve both sat bolt upright and managed to smack their heads together.

"Ow!" They both said at the same time will rubbing their heads.

"Great your both awake. Time to get up," I laughed clapping my hands together.

"What was that for? You interrupted my dream you butt!" Madison exclaimed as she threw her pillow at me. Now that she's awake she looks a little better than yesterday but she still looks very pale. I don't know what I look like but I probably don't look much better. I already know I've lost a lot of weight and am malnourished. I haven't looked in the mirror lately but I bet I look horrible.

"It's time to get up," I told her matter-of-factly.

"You could have gently woken us up you punk," Steve grumbled as he stood up and also threw his pillow at me.

"Clearly Bucky doesn't have any brain cells in the morning," Madison added as she stood up and walked over to her trunk to grab a clean uniform.

"You are being mean," I pouted crossing my arms.

"If you wanted us to be nice, you would have woken us up gently," Steve pointed out as he stood up. He has a good point.

"Alright as much as Bucky's wake up call was annoying, he is right we need to get ready," Madison called from behind us.

"See! You both take forever to get up and this was the easiest way to wake you up," I exclaimed.

"Sure Bucky, let's leave Madison alone so she can get ready," Steve suggested, though I didn't miss his eye roll.

"Fine, we can leave and give Madison some peace."

"That's a great idea. I could use some quiet," Madison laughed as Steve and I walked out of thr tent.

Steve and I spent the next several minutes getting dressed in our stupid uniforms, or at least mine is stupid. Steve and Madison look hot in their uniforms though Madison complains about wearing a skirt and heels. I must agree with her, kicking someone's ass in heels seems like unnecessarily difficult. We had both just finished clearing out our quarters when I felt another presence. I turned around to see Madison standing in all her glory. I nudged Steve who still hadn't noticed she was here. He turned around and we both stood there stunned. Madison looked stunning in her uniform, though I have seen her in it before, she always manages to look more beautiful every time I see her.

"Hey Madison what are you doing here?" I managed to ask once I realized I was staring.

"I came to see if you boys were done packing and if you are it is time to go," Madison told us with a smile, a tired, worn out smile, but a smile I have missed none the less.

"We just finished, so we can go now," Steve answered.

The two of us grabbed our luggage and followed Madison out of the tent. Madison grabbed her bag before leading us to the rendezvous. "Wait Madison let me carry your bag," Steve ran up to her and it was then that I noticed that she was struggling due to her injuries. I should have offered before we even left.

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