Chapter 21 - Thought I lost You

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Bucky's POV

My whole world froze when I saw Madison fall after taking three bullets. "MADISON!" I screamed, immediately ignoring the enemy surrounding me to go run to Madison's side.

When I got there Madison was already losing consciousness I looked down to see blood gushing from the bullet wounds, I could tell I was losing her. "Madison I need you to stay with me," I ordered as I desperately shook her. Her eyes were getting glossy and were struggling to stay open.

"No Madison do not close your eyes," I cried out. I can't lose her.

"I'm sorry," she whispered before her eyes closed and she stopped breathing.

"No, Madison you can't leave me. I love you," I whispered tears streaming down my face as I brought her limp body close to mine touching our foreheads together.

I didn't do anything as Hydra soldiers yanked her body from me. I felt numb tears streaming down my face as I was forcefully pulled away. I wanted to scream, to fight the soldiers pulling me away, but I couldn't. I wanted to will my body to move but my mind and body wouldn't cooperate.

I was pulled away and shoved into a truck with several other soldiers along with my friends. "Where is Colonel Hayes?" Dum Dum looked at me concerned.

"She's gone," I whispered just loud enough for everyone to hear.

" She's gone. How?" Jim Morita exclaimed.

" She ran out of ammo, so she charged at the enemy with a damn knife. She was overrun by HYDRA soldiers and ended up falling from three gunshot wounds where she bled to death in my arms," I explained. I couldn't get the sight of Madison dying in my arms out of my head.

" I'm sorry Bucky. I know you and Colonel Hayes were close," Gabe told me solemnly.

" What do we do now?" Dum Dum asked.

" There is nothing we can do, we will have to wait until someone comes to rescue us," I have failed Madison. How am I going to tell Steve I lost Madison?

The next two weeks were a blur. I was shoved into my cell and was mostly left alone except for the occasional Hydra soldier bringing me food and water. I feel completely useless sitting in this damn cell hoping someone will come to rescue us.

I wish I was as brave as Madison running toward the enemy with nothing more than a knife. I miss Madison so much, I miss her smile, her courage, her laugh. I can't help but think there is more I could have done to save her. I lost her, the one damn thing I swore I wouldn't do and I failed. I failed the most important mission I ever had.

I had just been brought my food when my cell door opened again. I looked up confused to see two soldiers dragging someone into the cell before they roughly threw them on the floor. They promptly left leaving the unconscious person dumped on the floor. It took me a moment to realize that person wasn't just someone.

"Oh god. Madison!" I ran forward rolling Madison onto her back so I could see her.

She was in bad shape but somehow breathing again. She had been stitched up but the stitches on her stomach were getting infected and she had a very high fever. She was littered with bruises and cuts and I noticed strange circular bruises on her arms.

I gently picked her up off the floor and carefully carried her over to the dirty cot in the corner. Once I set her down, I had no idea what to do. "Madison, what did they do to you?" I whispered brushing her hair out of her face.

She looked as if she was peacefully sleeping, but I knew better, she was on the brink of death and I would need to watch her carefully. I have been given a second chance and I will not waste it. I will not fail.

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