Chapter 24 - Together Again

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Madison's POV

I woke up in a hell of a lot of pain and I have no clue where I am. My eyes were out of focus so everything was blurry as I began to sit up ignoring my stomach that was screaming at me to stop.

"Woah Madison you need to be careful or you are going to tear your stitches," my eyes were beginning to focus and I saw a concerned Bucky in front of me. "Steve, will you go get a nurse?" I turned to see a blurry figure leave the tent, but it can't be Steve. Steve is skinny and short like me. Whoever that was, was big and muscular.

I would have to figure out who the blurry giant was later, right now I am more concerned about where I am. "Bucky, where are we? Are we still in Hydra? Did they get Steve too?"

Bucky gave me a worried look, but I ignored it. Panicking at the thought that Hydra got Steve too. "Madison how much do you remember?" That's the same tone Bucky used to inform me that my old infantry is dead, that means something bad happened.

That was a weird question, everything was kind of fuzzy so I scrunched my face trying to remember, "Well I don't remember a lot. I remember being taken to a room where they chained me, hanging me by the wrists. And that was followed by a whole bunch of pain. Then after that I remember a tall blonde man unchaining me, someone ripping their face off and an explosion," I recalled, "though I don't know how much of that is real and what was just my nightmares."

"Madison, we are back at camp," I searched Bucky's eyes making sure he wasn't lying.

"Wait how? The last thing I remember is still being stuck at Hydra," this all seemed too good to be true.

"This may seem hard to believe and I am going to let him explain," him who's him? "But Steve saved us, he came and rescued us from Hydra." How did Steve, the man who constantly got beat up by bullies make it through 30 miles of enemy territory into a heavily guarded Hydra base?

Just then a tall, blonde man who seemed awfully familiar and a nurse walked in. "Steve is that you?" I whispered in disbelief, I could recognize those eyes anywhere.

"Yes, it's me sweetheart," Steve said with a small smile.

I didn't hesitate to stand up and run over, or more of quickly limp into Steve's arms. "I missed you so much Stevie," I mumbled into his chest. God he's so tall.

" I missed you too sweetheart, but you shouldn't be up or you might injure yourself further," Steve tried to tell me as he squeezed me gently.

" Mhmm I don't care, I have waited two years to see you, a little pain is nothing," I said peering up into his concerned eyes. I do not like feeling so short. I miss little Steve who was only a little taller than me. But I would be lying if I didn't say those muscles don't look delicious.

"Madison you may not be concerned, but the last thing we need is you to injure yourself even more," Steve told me as he turned me around and lead me back to my uncomfortable cot disrupting my thoughts of big strong muscles.

" Fine," I sighed as I plopped down onto the cot suppressing a wince as pain shot up my abdomen.

"See that's much better," Steve chuckled and I just fake glared at him.

I forgot there was another person in the room until she cleared her throat before walking up to me. My demeanour immediately changed to a professional one as she walked into my view. "Sorry to ruin the moment but I need to change Colonel Hayes's bandages and give her some pain medication."

"Well that is our cue to leave," Bucky stood up clapping his hands.

"We will go get some food for the three of us, while the nurse tends too you," Steve assured me before the two of them left leaving me with the nurse.

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