Chapter 28 - Shield

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Steve's POV

I had to wake up bright and early to meet Howard and Madison in their lab even though I have no clue where it is. I was wandering around looking for Madison and Howard when I saw a young receptionist at a desk.

"Excuse I am looking for Colonel Hayes and Mr. Stark," I asked, feeling bad for interrupting her reading.

" They're in with Colonel Phillips," she responded without even looking up. I stood there awkwardly not really knowing what to do. " Of course, you're more than welcome to wait." Oh, that's good I didn't want to be intruding on her.

An awkward silence came between us as I went to go sit at one of the desks. The woman broke the silence, though I wished she didn't. "You know I read about what you did," she told me gesturing to her newspaper.

" Oh yeah," I responded awkwardly. I am still getting used to people knowing who I am and girls swooning over me, which has never happened before. Well except for Madison, who is the only girl who will ever catch my eye.

"Well that's, just doing what needed to be done," I had people who needed me.

"It sounded like more than that, you saved nearly four hundred men." Yeah I had to save the loves of my life.

The woman continued to awkwardly stare at me, I have no clue what is happening. "Really it's no big deal." People always make it so much more of a deal that it really is. I don't understand all the attention I've been getting, there is nothing special about what I did.

"Tell that to their wives," the woman said as she stood up and walked over to me. She is getting way to close, now I know she is flirting with me, and I hate it.

"Uh I don't think they were all married," I defended myself, feeling more uncomfortable than before as she continued to advance on me.

"You're a hero."

"Well, know, that depends on the definition," I began to stammer, I do not like this at all.

"The women of America they owe you a debt," the woman whispered as she pulled me by my tie off the desk. What is happening?!?!? " But seeing as they're not here."

I began to panic as I noticed she was leaning in to kiss me. What do I do? I can't kiss her I already have a boyfriend and girlfriend. Madison will kill her if she finds out.

Suddenly a voice caused the woman to let me go, much to my relief. "Captain, we are ready for you. If your not otherwise occupied." I turned to see Peggy looking at me. I quickly followed her abandoning the awkward situation she saved me from.

" Thank you for saving me from that," I whispered as Peggy took me to the lab.

" You are welcome, but really I was saving Lorainne from Madison's wraith," Peggy responded just as we entered the lab.

Peggy left me as soon as she showed me where the lab was. My eyes were immediately drawn to Madison who was busy working on something. She was wearing goggles which I must admit she looked adorable, and her curly blonde hair was flung haphazardly over her shoulder.

I was going to walk up to Madison and surprise her, but was interrupted by Howard. "Ah there you are, I was beginning to think you got lost."

"I did but luckily Agent Carter found me," I explained as Stark led me further into the lab.

"Madison and I have been concentrating on making sure you and your men don't get killed," Howard explained as we walked over to where Madison was.

At the mention of her name, Madison lifted up her goggles and a wide smile engulfed her beautiful face. "Stevie, there you are," Madison said hastily putting down whatever she was working on and walked over to me pulling me into a quick hug.

"It's good to see you too," I replied with a smile as I hugged her back. I haven't been able to touch her as much as would love too. She isn't in the same room as Bucky and I and she's been so busy I almost never seen her in general.

"Come on, I can't wait to show you what we have been working on all night," Madison grabbed my hand and pulled me over to a table where Howard was. Wait did she say all night? Has she really been up all night, after going to the pub?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Howard began speaking, "Carbon polyester, should withstand your average German bayonet. Although they're not just gonna attack you with a pocket knife." Howard explained.

We continued walking past my old shield, "I heard you were kind of attached," Howard said referencing my shield.

" It's handier than you might think."

"We took the liberty of coming up with some options," Madison explained showing all of the shields the two of them created, "Ohh this one's fun, she's fitted with electrical relays which allows you to..."

Another one caught my eye that was hidden under the table. " What about this one?" I pulled out the simple, round, metal shield that had a star in the middle.

" Ohh that one's my favorite, I made it out of...," Madison told me before she was stopped by Howards speaking. I knew then that this was the one just knowing she made it.

"Oh no, that one's a prototype," Howard interrupted as I looked it over.

"What's it made out of?" It seemed so light to be made of metal.

"Vibranium, is stronger than steel and a third of the weight," Madison told me as I hooked my arms into the straps on the back.

"It's completely vibration absorbent," Howard explained to me.

"How come it's not standard issue?" I asked, curious as to why everything wasn't made of vibranium.

"That's the rarest metal on earth. What you're holding there is the last of what we've got," Howard told me.

I turned to Madison who was watching me intently, "What do you think?" I needed to know her opinion.

Madison didn't say anything and instead grabbed a gun from her holster and begun firing at me. I quickly ducked under the shield until the gunshots ceased and I peaked out to see Madison smirking at me, Howard had his mouth open and the shield...the shield was unscathed.

" I think, I did a pretty good job," Madison smirked before turning on her heels and sauntering out of the room. Both Howard and I stared at Madison's retreating figure in astonishment still in shock over the fact that she shot at me. That was both the hottest and scariest thing I have ever expirienced.

I reached into my pocket not taking my eyes off of where Madison disappeared to and handed Howard a piece of paper, "I had some ideas about the uniform."

" Whatever you want pal."

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