Chapter 9 - Vacation

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August 18th, 1939

Madison's POV

Today I have to make a quick trip to the lab to talk to my boss about something important and then Bucky, Steve, and I will be going on a short three-day vacation in a cabin in Upstate New York. I am really excited especially since the three of us decided to try and give a relationship a try and this would kind of be like a first date.

" Thanks for letting us use your cabin, Howard. I really appreciate it, god knows how much I have needed a break," I thanked Howard as we walked into the lab.

We walked in and I immediately noticed Dr. Erskine talking to none other than Colonel Phillips. I walked over to them since I was supposed to talk with Dr. Erskine and then leave to go on vacation. " Hello, Dr. Erskine, Colonel Phillips," I greeted walking over to them.

"Ah Ms. Hayes, I have heard a lot about you," Phillips responded.

"All good things I hope," I chuckled nervously.

" Yes, Dr. Erskine has told me all about your scientific achievements," Phillips explained and I was very relieved. " Which is why you are being promoted."

" Promoted sir?" I asked very, confused.

"Yes, I believe your talents are being underutilized, which is why you are being promoted," Phillips explained further. " I know you have military training and I believe your talents would be very useful as my second in command."

"Second-in-command?" I only had combat training I didn't have any real military experience.

"Yes, you would be promoted to Lieutenant Colonel of the United States Army," I was shocked, I enjoyed my job but I had to admit I was getting bored, but the Army I wasn't so sure.

"Sir, I'm not sure I am qualified," I admitted.

 Colonel, Madison is being humble. She managed to find the flaw in the serum in a month that I had been trying to find for years. Not to mention that she learned how to fight so well that she surpassed her trainer in two months," Dr. Erskine told the Colonel and I could feel myself blushing. I hate compliments they always made me feel very awkward and I never know how to respond.

" Yes I have seen her file it is very impressive. Now Madison what do you say?" the Colonel asked me even though I know I don't have much of a choice.

" Sir, I would be honored to join the United States Army," I said very formally even though it feels weird coming out of my mouth.

" Congratulations Ms. Hayes, welcome to the United States Army," Colonel Phillips announced, "there is a file on your desk with more details." And with that Colonel Phillips left me to my thoughts.

" Congratulations on your promotion, my dear," Dr. Erskine patted me on the back with a kind smile. Since I was 12 and first got the internship working for Dr. Erskine I have seen him as a father figure and I was saddened by the prospect of leaving the lab I have worked in for the last nine years.

" Are you okay, with me leaving you?" I asked.

"Of course my dear, it is always wonderful to see your protege rise above you," Dr. Erskine assured me, "besides I could tell you were beginning to become bored."

"I just don't want to leave you and Howard with too much of a workload," I speculated.

"Madison I can assure you Mr. Stark and I will be fine," Dr. Erskine smiled, "now go say goodbye to Howard before you go and grab that file."

I walked over to Howard who was busy working on some weapons line. There was a war raging across the water between our allies and the Axis powers. Currently, the military was sending weapons and other supplies to our allies despite being neutral to the war. This is mostly what we had been working on since our allies France and Britain declared war on Germany after they invaded Poland.

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