Bartender - (Lime - Grian x Mumbo)

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AN- I was feeling lonely and romantically frustrated so you've got this now. A simple Grumbo – the first for this book somehow.

Also, not me listening to a random playlist called 'songs with the same vibe as Heatwaves'. But seriously, these are so much better.

Mumbo POV-

College had been kicking my butt. That's all I could say to it. And if I could leave my story at that, I would. But the thing is, is without the struggles of college, I wouldn't be where I was right now.

I was an electrical engineering student, in class for 5 hours a day plus all the homework and for anyone who knows university, one usually has to do about 3 hours of work outside of class for each hour spent in class.

As if I could do 15 hours of homework per day. That's 60 hours a week plus the 20 from classes, leaving me with 88 hours for sleep and chores, and let's not count working...

I thought my older brother was joking when he said that you have to pick 2 options out of sleep, social life, or school grades. So, I was grateful when I finally found a job that would keep my need for social interaction in check and it was nights so I didn't have to worry about scheduling issues.

And no. Sleep does not get scheduled. If I got a straight 4 hours in a row I'd be impressed. No, blessed and probably praising god.

What was my job? Did you not read the title of my journal entry? It literally says bartender... Come on.

I would have preferred basically any other job, but the consistent 40 hours a week at 10 pounds/hour plus tips was too tempting. It would easily cover my bills with enough being put away to hopefully pay my next semester of school. And not having to struggle with scheduling was a big positive after watching my roommate Iskall constantly having to rearrange his work schedule when his boss would schedule him during school hours.

The first night of work was basically a fever dream. Probably because my shift is literally 7pm-3am and I had a freaking fever from overworking myself only a couple days earlier trying to get a last-minute essay in by the 8am cut off. I had started it at 8pm the night before.

Basically, all I remember was walking in and walking out with a handful of pounds along with a couple napkins with numbers scrawled across them in various handwriting. One caught my eye the next morning. The simple numbers where neatly printed on a paper coaster with a lipstick smear from where she must have kissed it. The red was vibrant and brought back a distant memory of the night.

Not like I really cared. I'd never really cared for dating and Iskall was convicted I was on the Aro/Ace spectrum.

I went into work again that night, met by my boss who was grinning ear to ear and jumping up and down, the bandana holding his brown hair back kept slipping over his eyes as he grinned up at me. "Mumbo! You were a hit last night! Everyone loves you!"

I honestly hadn't known how to respond so I muttered out an awkward thank you as I was led to stand behind the bar. I glanced down at my shorter boss confused. "Mr. O, I thought I was a server?"

"Psst. Call me Bdubs. You don't have to be so formal any more. I'm promoting you to bartender! You'll make more money and more people will be inclined to buy drinks since such a handsome young man is serving them. Now get going. We don't want that charm fading now do we?"

I remember blinking in confusion at my boss before turning to the taps in front of me. A hand settled on my arm and I jumped, glancing over at another man about my height with black hair and a prosthetic arm. "Hey. I'm Doc. You must be Mumbo?" I nodded as he began pointing out all the different drinks and what I needed to do. I nodded along before he sent me off.

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