Tater Tot Bois - (Fluff - Mumbo/Techno)

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AN: you know, sometimes you just want a very specific story. Like this idea pops into your head and you just NEED it. Well, that happened and I don't know of anyone who has written this yet so I did. I also felt upset about my messed up story from the other night and just kept feeling like I was a terrible writer so I figured I'd write myself something to prove that I was just having an off day so sorry that this isn't a request. I'm still working through them, don't worry :)

But seriously, if you have seen a story with this idea in it, please let me know. I can't get it out of my head.

Platonic Mumbo and Techno. They are brothers in this oneshot. Along with all the SBI and Grian. Mumbo (26) is the oldest followed by Wilbur/Techno (24). Tommy (17) is the youngest with Grian (20) only a couple years older .

Techno POV-

"No. Do you even remember what happened last time I let one of your brothers onto the SMP?"

I fold my arms as I glare at Dream, only sighing as he spits venom in the way he says brothers. But I couldn't blame him. I could be more than apathetic at the state of the server's government, more focused on increasing my potato farm, but my brothers? Ya, they basically started a war and landed Dream in jail.

I remember seeing him for the first time after the war ended. He was skinny, starved, and weak. The man who stood in front me had gained his muscle and strength back, but the look in his eye would be forever be different.

We were all supposed to be friends on this server, but friends don't mentally scar each other.

"Fine. I'll just have to ask Mumbo if I can hop onto the Hermitcraft server. He had offered to help with the farm, but it wouldn't be so bad to at least see him." I glance at Dream one last time before pulling out my communicator to message my brother.

I began typing as Tommy's loud annoying voice cut through everything as he begs Dream to let the rest of our family onto the server. He cried out about how much he missed his older brothers and when I glanced up once from the message, Tommy was leaning aggressively over the table. Wilbur looked slightly hopeful at the prospects of our family finally being back together.

Just as I was about to hit send on the short message I had drafted, another voice spoke up from the table the entire server was gathered at for our monthly 'let's all talk like adults and not start another war' meeting.

I lift my head as Bad sets down a tray of muffins, as Fundy spoke, "I've heard of Mumbo before. He's friends with Iskall85."

"Iskall was pretty good while was here..." Dream appeared thoughtful.

I nod my head at the masked man as he continued, "ya. And according to Xisuma, Mumbo's the most calm one between on the server. I can't see him making any problems. It's Grian I'm worried about."

"Mumbo cannot come without Grian!" Tommy jumped up, smacking his hands on the table, making the muffins shake and a couple fall over. "We need him here now! I want to interview him about his MCC skills."

I just rolled my eyes as Dream spoke up, "you mean interrogate."

"They are the same thing!"

"Shut up Tommy," Dream said plainly as he stood up. "Fine, I'll let them come, but if you," he glares pointedly at Tommy, "cause any trouble, I will take away your jukebox."

I smile lightly at myself before changing and sending a quick text to Mumbo as Tommy screamed in excitement, spinning a very confused Tubbo around.


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