Beauty - (Fluff - Scar x Mumbo x Grian)

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AN: My need to write has come back full force and now I've been able to write some school papers and stories. Thanks for your help! It's also thrown my brain into full Minecraft mode and I had a dream last night where Dream did a face reveal but he was swimming for it so you could only see his face while Sapnap ranted about socks on a boat nearby and George was trying to make out with him. I don't knowing if I'll ever mentally recover especially since that's the first dream I've remembered in a year or so... I was so confused when I woke up this morning I literally started looking for Dream's face reveal to confirm that it was just a dream.

Also- I made myself a flag (see above). What do you think?

Grian POV-

The wind ruffled my hair as I sat on my entity boulder. My legs were crossed at my ankles in front of me on the soft moss as I leaned back on my elbows. My shoulders were getting a bit sore from the weight on my arms, but the warmth of the sun was amazing, shade occasionally gracing my skin as the leaves above me swayed. Gazing up at past the entitree, I could admired the clear blue sky.

This was my favourite part of a new world. The crisp cleanliness. The sky wasn't clouded with elytra rockets and the nature was still, well, natural. Scar was a fantastic terraformer, but the normal look just held a sort of nostalgia.

And from where I sat I could see almost everyone, but there was a specific neighbor of mine that I was admiring. His black hair was slicked back from the midday heat as he carefully reached into his suit pocket, sprinkling some red stone onto the stone below him. He crouched down to spin an observer and later pulled a small box from a nearby chest to smear some slime on a piston, testing it to make sure he had enough.

"He is sure gorgeous."

I jumped at the sound which was surprisingly close, having snuck up on me as I was deep in thought. I twisted around just in time to see Scar finish scrambling onto the rock behind me, "nice boulder by the way."

"Hmm. Thanks Scar." I mumble, heat rising to my face from being caught staring at my best friend.

Scar plopped himself beside me, silently handing me a piece of bread. I happily took it, sick of eating only pie and salmon. I glanced up to his face which was neutral and unreadable as he watched Mumbo as well, yet something in his green eyes was calling me. Some glint of wisdom and mischief and admiration. He was staring forward, his eyes following the red stoner as he swept some redstone away and starting fiddling with a repeater.

But I was more entranced by Scar. He glanced over, catching me and I instantly flushed deeper, "you know that cameras exist right?"

I choked slightly on my spit as Scar returned to watching Mumbo, "Scar! First the 'that's what she said' joke and now this? What has gotten into you?"

Scar's eyes flickered downwards before he lays down on the ground completely, staring up at the sky, "I don't know G. You were the one staring, and Mumbo was flirting with you on that first mining exhibition and I just felt like I needed to say something." He let out a sigh as I continued to study him, the midday sun lighting up every aspect of his face. The sharpness of his sunburned ears was magical and his scar and freckles were prominent along his cheeks as small puffs of air escaped his mouth.

I felt my slight blush hit my ears as I glanced at Scar's lips, wondering what it would be like to kiss him. A thought I only ever had with one other Hermit. Mister Mumbo Jumbo himself, who, as I forced my eyes away from Scar and towards where the tall redstoner, was wiping his hands on a towel he had left on a chest near to his project. He grabs a water bottle, downing it quickly before noticing me.

He gave me a slight wave, but I didn't wave back. My mind was spinning at a 100 miles per hour. The elf shifted so he was sitting right beside me was distractingly close yet the redstoners was slipping his suit jacket off, making my mouth water as his form.

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