Legacy - (Fluff - Tribute to DSMP)

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George POV-

"And cut!" Wilbur called from behind the camera as I watched the scene come to an end. Tommy dropped his sword, reached his arms above his head, and yawned as I hopped off of the director's chair where I was lounging and watching the final actors disperse from the stage.

"Was that the end, Wilbur?" Dream's voice called from the stage, his head swiveling between all the different actors.

Wilbur hummed in response to him, glancing over at the director of the Dream SMP series. "I think so, sir."

I glanced over to Dream who had begun walking towards the camera set up where Wilbur and Fundy were fiddling with a couple of the settings on the soundboard. I smiled to myself as he dropped himself into the director's chair. He signed while slipping his helmet off. His blond hair was slicked back with sweat with a couple of pieces curling around the strap of his mask. I dropped myself cross-legged on the stone below Dream, watching him attempt to catch his breath.

"Once we get everything edited together we will be better prepared to know, but I agree with Wilbur," Fundy added, looking up from the soundboard as the lights began turning off.

It was over. Finally, over. It had been months and years of planning, acting, filming, and many more of editing the show together. But we had finally finished the DSMP series. This was the season finale that everyone wanted.

A strange silence spread across the field, broken only by the occasional shrieks of Tommy as Tubbo poked him with a prop sword.

"So..." I began, unsure how to finish it.

"So..." Dream copied me, his grin noticeable as he slipped his mask off. It felt to the stone floor and cracked along the very middle.

"What do we do now?"

The silence seemed to fill with tension as each person glanced between their friends and coworkers. We had been brought together and now none of us were sure if we'd stay in contact, or if we'd ever see each other again. The DSMP series was what held us together.

But there was one actor who was quite nonchalant about it all. Leaning on his trident in the middle of the field, he was studying his fingers calmly while occasionally picking at them. I was mesmerized by him as always since nothing could compare to his red cape that seemed to billow in the nonexistent wind.

"You are all cringe." Of course, Techno would say something like that. He picked up his trident with practiced ease before sauntering towards us and slipping his own pig mask off of his head. "Can we not just live our lives now how we want?"

"But what if we lose contact with each other?" Tubbo cried from behind Techno as he and Tommy ran towards the group, Ranboo following at a swift walk.

Techno twisted towards Tubbo, his aura menacing both on and off camera. "That's your own problem then. The future is in your hands Tubbo and you get to choose if you want to stay in contact with these people or not."

Even with Techno's monotone voice and menacing aura, I could hear the gentleness in those words. It was the softest I had ever seen Techno be before and Tubbo clearly noticed as well as he jumped into Techno's arms, knocking him back slightly.

I chuckled slightly at Techno's surprised face and awkward patting of the young brunet boy's back.

Wilbur, on the other hand, was completely losing it. "Oh, look at Techno! He actually had a soft side!"

"Shut up Wilbur," Techno growled.

I could feel Dream behind me tense. One of his hands had landed on my shoulder, and when I glanced up at him, he was glancing warily between Wilbur and Techno.

Luckily, someone more experienced in calming the two finally showed up, holding a large cake box in his hand. "Kristen sent some cake to... Wait... Wilbur, Techno, calm down. You're scaring poor Niki."

I glanced over to Niki whose face was white, her hands shaking slightly. I muttered a curse under my breath before shrugging Dream's bruising grip off my shoulder and heading towards Niki. She fell into my open arms as I watched Phil talking to Wilbur and Techno. Niki was extremely strong but very empathetic so when Wilbur, Techno, Dream, or Sapnap let out their aura she would usually end up shaking.

Honestly, if I didn't live with Dream and Sapnap and have to deal with them threatening each other half the day, I would shake at the power they gave off too.

"I'm sorry Niki." Wilbur had come over to us, holding two plates of cake. "I didn't realize that we were doing that."

"Ah, it's okay Wil. You'd think I'd be used to it after filming with you all for the past few years."

I let go of Niki as she shakily took a plate. Wilbur smiled gently at her before sitting on the grass. Niki followed with a smile on her face, so I returned to Dream who was talking to Techno.

"...might be a good idea. I'd love to have you join in once or twice." Dream was saying. When he noticed me approaching, he held out a fork.

"Thanks for the fork Dream, but where's my cake?"

"You're sharing with me! Obviously!" Dream basically squealed in delight.

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help the smile from spreading on my face. "Oh my God."

"Cringe. I'll leave you two to it then." Techno turned. He paused, glancing over his shoulder at Dream, "And I'll think about it. Thank you for inviting me."

We watched Techno walk over to Phil, Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo. They were all laughing merrily as Sapnap, Punz, Ponk, Fundy, and Callahan were wrestling on the pond nearby. Punz was destroying everyone since Sapnap kept getting teamed up against, but Callahan sneaked up to Punz, tackling him from behind making Tubbo squeal in delight.

A smile was plastered on my face as I watched our friend celebrate the end of our series. I turned up to look at Dream who was watching Aimsey and Puffy trying to convince Sam to put on some mascara. As Dream felt my eyes on him, he glanced at me.

"What did you invite Techno to?"

"Oh, I thought it might be fun to do MCC together, at least once."

I nodded, my eyes falling back to the five-way wrestling match, but now Techno was in. No matter how much the other five teamed up against him, he wouldn't fall. His dyed pink hir was still dry no matter what they did.

I elbowed Dream causing him to grunt at me.

"You should go join them," I said, pointing to the soaking men, "I bet you can't get Techno either."

"Oh? What are you going to give me if I win?"

I thought a moment. "A kiss."

Dream's eyes immediately went wide and he rushed towards the pool, joining the fray. I followed behind, standing beside Tommy.


I flinched at Tommy's loud voice right in my ear before giving him a gentle nod. My eyes didn't stray from the pool though where Techno and Dream were fighting. The others had all moved out of the way just watching them brawl. Dream and Techno both had a grip on the other's upper arm, growling at each other as they attempted to gain an advantage over the other.

Then, all of a sudden, Techno swept his leg out, tripping Dream who landed flat on his back in the pond water. He grunted in annoyance and raised his head to look at Techno.

"Dang it, Tech."

Techno grinned at the blond before holding a hand out to help him up. "Too bad Dream... Technoblade never dies."

In memory of Technoblade. May you forever Rest in Peace.

Your legacy will continue to live on.

Thank you EndlessParadox_ for requesting this Oneshot.

Eva's New Hermitcraft and Dream SMP OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz