The Watched and The Listening pt 1 - (Angst - Joe)

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AN: The amazing EndlessParadox_ gave me a handful of super amazing ideas recently and I am hoping to post one at least every three days. This one would have been out earlier, but I ended up being needed on the phone with my best friend for 3 hours so I didn't get my homework done. But my BFF is doing okay and I got my homework done so here we are for my daily dose of stress relief.

Just a reminder that you are loved. My DMs are always open for anything.


Joe POV-

"Red alert! This is not a drill. I repeat Red alert!" The announcement crackled through the speakers, startling me from my desk where I was typing away on some document that I had no interest in. Focusing in on the announcement, I continued listening as my blood ran cold. "Evolution Server - Admin Xelqua, has been breached. The server is collapsing. I repeat, the server is collapsing. All personal to the jump portal."

I jump up, and rush out of my cubicle, booking it down the hallway as others squeezed against the wall to allow me to pass. I stop at the door, quickly turning around at the employees I was in charge of. "You all know your jobs. Get to work and find how the server was breached."

I got a couple nods as I pushed out of the door which read "Player Security - Code Sector".

It only takes me a few minutes to reach the portal room. Standing at the railing, I survey the room below me. The white marble flooring and the vaulted marble ceiling was contrasted by the purple light emitted by each of the portals which lined the walls. The room was large enough to host all and any gathering of the Players and occasional soccer tournament, the six goal posts sitting off to the side.

One of side of the room, was a large crowd of people. Medics were leading members of the Evo server away to hastily set up medical stations only a few blocks away. I could see Notch doing his best to keep the portal open as the purple flashed and cracked like glass. I only had a bit of time.

I turn away from the banister and sprint down the stairs two at a time, quickly pulling out my glasses from my pocket and setting them on my nose so I could see the code flashing in from of the portal, the normal ones and zeros were turning to a strange blocky language that I had only ever seen once before.

When watchers took down DanTDM's modded SMP - Shady Oaks.

"Hills! What do you have?" I glance at Notch as I slid to a stop beside him. His face was sweating as his focus was on the portal in front of him.

"Watchers, sir," I respond simply, "is everyone out?"

Notch muttered a swear under his breath as he strained against the portal, more cracks appearing. "No, Xelqua's not here yet. He went back in when Taurtis didn't arrive."

Just then, the portal flashed and out stumbled a very shaken Taurtis, his blue shirt stained slightly red. His hair sticking up like a mad scientist.

I glance back at the portal, waiting for the admin I had heard so much about walk out, but nothing. A silence fell upon the room, the cracking of the portal echoing ominously as the code continued to corrupt. "You have to close it sir."

"I know." Notch's voice was weak as the portal flashed white one and then shattered into fragments of magic. A couple tragic screams stabbed the back of my head as my head numbed out the sound.



"Hmm?" I looked up from my computer and towards the man standing in the doorway.

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