Anarchy - (Angst - Dream)

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TW- blood, death

Running my hand through my hair, I hum in annoyance as the blond staines a deep red. It's going to take me some take to get that out but I guess that's what happens when you forget to check if blood is on your hands.

I sigh gently, before sticking a finger in my mouth, sucking the irony liquid off of it while I stare at the man laying in the alleyway, shadows darkening the wound in his chest. I stood over him , my silver blade clutched in my left hand as the man's blood continued to drip off of it. He wasn't anything special when it came to looks, just midnight black hair that curled in the liquid surrounding it. His sharp cheekbones and small features framed by it. His suit did his body no favours, the fiery maroon washing out his pale complexion.

These were the political leaders of the day? These stuck up nobles who think that just because they helped stop the evil sorcerer they can rule over us. Over me.

It was disgraceful.

The way they, no he, just showed up one day and declared himself the hero. People revered him as the prophesied champion of the land. The champion who would lead the people to a land of overwhelming peace. My home was anything but peaceful. Just look at me! A 19 year old boy at the prime of his life stuck in an alleyway with a corpse.

A corpse I had made.

It was my job after all. After he destroyed the sorcerer, all magic fled the land, never to be seen or heard from again. It had acted almost like a dog, practically begging for the sorcerer's attention and happily played with others. It saved countless souls as it did with my mother, until it left, leaving her to die of her ailment.

I clench teeth, wiping my knife on my tight black t-shirt I wore under my typical green hoodie and slipping it into my boot. I wipe my hands on my shirt as well before spinning on my heeled boots and striding out of the alleyway. The body would be found tomorrow but by that point, I would be fast asleep in my bed waiting for another order.

Only a couple more jobs, I'd be able to prove my skill and worth to be a free agent and at that moment, I would take my job to the capital and personally slay the king. The brown haired 'hero'.

Anarchy sounded so much better than the repression we lived in.

Eva's New Hermitcraft and Dream SMP OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt