One More Year - (Fluff - Scar/Grian/Mumbo)

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AN- I'm 21 y'all! Happy birthday to me haha :P

Anyway- here's a little oneshot based off of my own personal feelings. I'm still working on myself and one step I thought I could try to take this year was to celebrate my birthday, which I used to hate doing (and I still don't feel comfortable with it). But I set up a dinner with my family that lives near by, I asked my parents for a present instead of saying that I don't want anything and I dropped some money on the to buy one of those adorable cloud hoodies for myself simply to celebrate being alive. It's okay to find the little things to celebrate and even though some people don't understand, being alive is sometimes not so little. Love you all and I wish you the most fantastic pi day in the world!

TW- mild thoughts of suicide

This is platonic!

Scar POV-

Grian 🍞🥯🥖
Hey Scar! Do you have any plans for your birthday coming up?

I glance at the little notification on the top of my phone. The music coming from headphones fading back at I stare at the word.


I guess it's true. My birthday was coming up. Again.

I hadn't told anyone that I hated my birthday. I usually just trudged through the day, fake smiling at everyone who'd say their good wishes and I'd try to respond to the support I would get online, but it was too exhausting. It was too much.

My birthday was just another year that had come and gone.

Another year I hadn't expect to make it through.

And plans? If I had my wish, I'd make the internet disappear and lock my doors, being allowed to sulk in my mind for the day.

But I never got my wish.

But I've gotten close to Grian in the past few years, maybe he would understand. Maybe he could help.


I continued laying on my bed for a couple minutes, thinking of all the pros and cons of telling my friend about my dislike of birthdays. My phone had turned off but my headphones were still playing music, Broken by Jonah Kagen, gently overtaking my overwhelming thoughts.

I'm broken, tell you I'm fine
But you wouldn't believe me
If you knew the things that crossed my mind
And I'm hurting, but I show no sign
'Cause I'm afraid to give in, break down and waste your time
Now I'm begging you to come and pull me out the fire
Come and save me like you did when we were young
Oh please come bring me up from my lowest, take me higher
Can you see me through the ashes and the smoke?
I'm lonely, it's been so long
Since I've felt loved, smiled, felt strong
And what can I do when I'm not friends with my reflection
When I don't understand affection like you do

I sigh lightly. I wonder what it would be like to spend my birthday with someone who just lets us be. No need to force a celebration or give flashy gifts. Just time to sit and enjoy each other's company.

But that wouldn't happen. Would it? Grian literally lives across the ocean and I don't know who else to talk to.

But at least he would know.

So I pick up my phone, letting it unlock as it scans my face. I don't even bother answering Grian's text, instead I just hit the call button, biting nervously on my cheek.

"Hello? Scar?" His voice echoed slightly in my speakers.

"Hi Grian."

"Scar? You sound upset."

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