My Knight pt 2 - (Hurt/Comfort - Grian x Hels)

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AN: It's short but I just love how this turned out. I've never really written a hurt/comfort thing before (at least not intentionally) so I think this is what it is? Thanks for the request @mushroomfearie

TW: mild panic attack, mentions of torture

Grian POV-

I stare up at the blue sky as I float above the clouds. My wings ruffled in the winds, white feathers blending in with the fluffy white below me. I had my hands out to the side, gently gliding upside down, closing my eyes to the warmth of the sun.

But it disappeared as darkness fought away the light that filtered through my eyelids. Opening them, I noticing the clouds getting further away as wind whistles in my ear. My wings refused to catch me as I plummeted from the sky. Glancing over, I see the wounds and scars covering them from years of torture, the skin torn and burnt.

There's nothing I can do as I freefall through the sky, my stomach felt like it was in my throat from the force as my heart rate sky rocketed.

The green of the trees was approaching at break neck speeds. 400 meters... 300 meters... 200 meters... 100 meters. 80 meters. 50 meters. 30. 20. 10...

My eyes shot open as I sat up wide eyed. Everything was blurry as tears spilled down my cheeks. The world spun and I slumped back down to the bed, curling in on myself while sobbing. My breath hitched and hiccupped as I fought for air. My hands clawed at the bed I was laying on, my own arms, my clothes, anything I could get my fingernails in.

But gently, my hands were being stopped from the frantic clawing. I just dug my fingers into the gloves which held them as I let out another weak sob.


No no no. Don't use my name. Don't make it personal. Cut my wings off for all I care, just don't ruin my own name as well.

It was the only thing I had left.

"Grian. Hey."

They sounded so soft, so caring. That just meant that they weren't going to ruin me more. I can't let my walls fall.

They just want to hurt me like everyone else.

"Hey. It's okay. I'm here." One of the gloves removes itself from my death grip and cupped my cheek, wiping over my cheek gently. I couldn't help but open my eyes, soft sobs still wracking my body as I gaze into the red eyes of the dark knight.

Why is he here? He left me too.

Ignoring my own thoughts, I just blink into his eyes, studying the red irises as his eyes flick around my own face, worry etched in the corners of his eyes.

I don't want to get used to being loved again. It hurts too much to lose.

I pull away, rolling over on the bed, away from the knight as I gently count to myself, a simply trick I had learned in my years of solitude. As if that cowboy Scar would bother helping me in a panic attack. He used to just laugh and watch as I passed out after minutes of thinking I was going to die.

So, why was the knight still sitting beside the bed, gently bandaging my wings which laid limply behind me. He didn't say anything, just gently hummed a small tune as I breathed. The tempo of the music matched my own counting.

He continued even after my wings were bandaged, the humming that is. I had stopped counting out loud, and was instead focusing on him. Minutes passing in stillness.

"Grian?" the humming stopped as the knight gently muttered my name. I gently stretch my wings, curling them around myself as I flip myself towards him, trying to ignore the two opposite feelings of love and fear of betrayal tearing my heart in two. Glancing up into his eyes, he takes that as a positive reaction and begins talking. "How are you doing?"

"Okay." It was the only thing I could get out of my mouth as it cracked from the tears I had been spilling.

He nods slightly. "Can- can I hold you?" I shrug so he gently stands and picks me up, his grip loose in case I decide to flee. I just let myself fall into him, my mind still trying to get a grip on reality.

This wasn't another dream was it?

"Are- are you real?"

"Yes Grian. I'm real. You're not dreaming anymore. Do you want to talk about it?" was the gentle reply as the knight gently held me against his chest.

"I- I am so scared." I swallow as I feel another bout of sobs clawing at the surface. The knight seems to notice and gently tells me that it's okay to cry.

That cracked the dam as sobs wracked my body again, but this time I was gently being rocked back and forth and being told that it was okay, that I was so strong, that I was safe.

As the sobs faded, the knight just slowly held me tighter. I stiffened for a moment and he immediately relaxed his grip and retracted his arms. I didn't want him to leave though so I gripped into his white shirt and shoved my face into his chest. "no- don't go."

"Of course not Grian. I'm staying right here."

I slowly look up at him, a soft smile pulling at his lips. "Then why did you leave before."

He blinked before pressing his lips together for a moment. "I thought it would help you."

"I thought you loved me. I'm scared you'll use me." My voice faded off at the end. Even the idea of being used and tortured again was enough to make me want to give up, to give into death.

Yet the knight was here. Holding me like his own life would fade if I went anywhere. A soft loving smile on his lips as his eyes dilated slightly. "Is that what you're afraid of." I nod into his shirt.

"Then I'll never leave again. I love you Grian."

"I lo-" pausing I glance up at the knight, "I don't know your name."

A slight chuckle shook my body as his smile turned to a grin. "Hels Knight."

"Hels," I said, letting it roll off my tongue.


"I like it when you say that. I feel like you'll keep my name safe."

Hels pulled me closer onto his lap. "I'll keep everything about you safe. I love you."

"I love you too Hels."



"Higher Hels! Higher!" I scream as Hels fires another rocket and we soar higher towards the clouds. I clung to his neck with my legs around his waist like a backpack as we flew on the wind of his elytra. My wings were spread out, ruffling in the wind as we leveled off just below the clouds.

"Do you want to try flying now?"

My eyes widen as I look down at the knight looking over his shoulder at me. "Do you think my wings are ready for that?"

"They've got the feathers back, but do they feel strong enough to glide?"

I shrug, gently stretching my wings out all the way, feeling how they caught the air. The sky was calling to me as I slowly unwrap my legs from Hels' waist. I finally released my arms from around his neck as a heated column of air filled my wings and I spiraled up through the clouds, Hels just below me.

Screaming in delight, I gently flap my wings once, watching as they moved through the air effortlessly. Hels was whooping in delight before lighting another rocket and following me through the sky, living in our own little heaven.

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