The Bidding - (Action - Grian x Etho)

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This is an Omegaverse AU. The Omegas are treated like they are at the top of society due to the need for them. They go through heat in the fall and spring and in the winter and summer can participate in 'The Bidding' where all eligible alphas in the surrounding areas/packs are forced to participate. The omegas can then choose their mate based off of the omega's personal rank and money. Mating is not necessarily permanent (only depends on the race of wolf). Omegas grow up learning how to care for pups, alphas are taught everything to care for omegas as well as hunting, fighting etc, betas and deltas are the majority of the society as they go to school/university normally and get jobs that run the society (doctors, engineers, etc).

Basically imagine a society that has somehow oppressed both omegas and alphas.

Male Omegas exist (obviously), but they are actually hermaphrodites which basically means that they have both female and male reproductive organs. 

This oneshot is based off of a random thought I had one day while listening to Tally Hall's 'The Bidding' song so credits to them.

Part 2 may or may not happen. It has an open ending but is still made to be read alone.

Etho POV-

I stepped out onto the field, the lights blinding my eyes as I blink at the blaring cheers all around me. The stadium was packed full, the different wolf packs mingling with each other as I and the other alphas stepped out of the darkness. Across from us, were the omegas. A tent had been built up, shading them from the heat of the sun as they lounged on cushions, betas rushing around with platters of food and drinks.

They lived in such a state of luxury compared to my own. As an Alpha, it was expected of me to be able to provide, but I was small for an Alpha. My body was muscular but lean, not built for the typical work of Alphas. That's why I had decided to go to college, a massive change from the training I received in grade school.

The omegas on the other hand, lived life to the fullest. They were small and fragile, yet insanely important to our society. Without them we wouldn't survive as a species. Any female could produce pups, but only the omegas had the instinct to care for them. They ran the nurseries and the schools, keeping us alive.

Simply to say, to be born an omega meant to rule the world and to live in mansions of butlers and servants while the alphas were sentenced to guard duty and hunting, expected to dote on their mate hand and foot.

I've been sleeping in a cardboard box

And that's where I was left. My parents expected me to move out at 16 and find a job, get settled and ready for "The Bidding" when I turned 18.

I immediately dropped out of school, sick and tired of the lessons on hunting, mating, and expectations. I applied to a University, fighting the dozens of betas and a couple of omegas, luckily making my way into the classes. Alphas weren't necessarily immediately rejected, it's just that our grade school lacks in the departments of math or science or even literature.

So, there I was, two years ago, going to school and working as a guard at the liquor store and living in the alley in the back. The owner didn't mind since I was basically guarding 24/7 and there was a heater for the winter.

Spending every dollar at the liquor shop

The little money I made was put into tuition or the protein bars that my boss sold at the store. I probably would have lived off of liquor instead, but I was still a minor.

You see, I only had 2 years of schooling before "The Bidding", where all the unmated Alphas were brought to the city stadium to perform for the omegas and try to gain a mate. I wanted to get as much school done before I possibly got sold to some girl that just wanted a play thing and a typical Alpha to dote on her.

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