Step Ladder - (Fluff - Grian/Dream)

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AN: It's been a while hasn't it? My life got ahead of me this week but in like a good way.

Anyway- here's a short fluff oneshot I quickly wrote. I'm working between two very angst heavy oneshots and I just wasn't getting anywhere so this is what my brain came up with when I was taking a break. One of the angst oneshots should hopefully be out this weekend.

CW: Medication

Grian POV-

I don't think my parents quite know how to make children...

Okay, that was maybe a strange way of starting off this conversation. But look at this dork here. He's got all the height in the world, but absolutely no looks. I have all of those by the way.

I just did a pretend hair flip by the way. Being petty is my strongest talent, well beside being simply eye-candy.

Why am I complaining about this though? That's a valid question.

WELL. He's a big doofus and won't give me the recipe book back! I just wanted to bake him some cookies, but NO, he wants cake. Why should I follow what he wants? All he does is tease me for being short. Like his best friend is just as short!

And now we've been standing here in the kitchen for like 20 minutes fighting about it. He said he'd give me the recipe book if I promised him cake. What a baby. Maybe I could throw a handful of flour at his new GeorgeNotFound merch he just got. Just look at him, with his arm above his head, waving the book around like an absolute idiot. It's such a good opening.

That would be sure to shut him up. If I didn't get killed, that is. He's so sensitive about his GNF merch. I guess I'm the same about my Mumbo hoodie. What can I say? It's comfy.

Ugh. Why do I put up with him? Probably since he is the sweetest younger brother, when he's not doing this. He really supported me when I started up in the YouTube business and always made sure to include me in major events once he started gaining major traction on Twitch. Sure, I worked on the Hermitcraft server and he streamed from his own personal, but brothers stick together.

I guess I should figure out how to get the recipe book back. I don't want to just make any random recipe (nothing can quick beat Grandma Xel's cookies), and the last time I tried making it from memory... simply said I made a science experiment that might have won first place at a science fair for being the messiest.

Oh! I've got an idea. Wait right there. I'm going to go see if I can find my step ladder.


Okay, got it. Now come here dork! I need that recipe book!

Just a bit taller. Almost there...


Ow! Did you see that? He just let me hit the floor and now he's making fun of me being so short that I couldn't even reach it with the step ladder! Rude!

Okay, final tool. The pout. He may be a giant and an insanely good Minecraft player, but he still had a soft spot for me.

Oh! Yes! Got it! Time to make some cookies!

Dream POV-

I just watched as Grian began making up some cookie dough, muttering randomness under his breath. I sigh softly and reach above where he was standing and grab a blue bottle of schizophrenia medicine before gently pulling one out and filling up a glass cool water.

"Grian?" He looks up at me, before his eyes land on the medicine in my hand and widened slightly.

"Oh, shoot, sorry."

I smile as he takes the meds without a second thought. "No stress G."

He turned back to the dough, scooping a bit onto his finger and reaching up slightly to boop my nose with the soft dough. "You're the best brother I could have asked for. Who else would have stayed by myside through all the crap I've been through?"

"Says the person who literally brought me cookies while I was in prison on my own server!" I laugh as I lean a hand on the cupboard. "Can I have some more cookie dough?"

"Oh heck no. If you touch this I will murder you in your sleep tonight."

I just smirk at my older brother who was clutching the bowl of cookie dough protectively. "You might to bring the step ladder if you're going to even have a chance of reaching me."

And unsurprisingly I got a swift kick in the shins and a huff of annoyance.

Grinning, I watched Grian roll the dough and place it on some parchment before reaching backwards, handing me a ball of cookie dough without saying a thing.

Man, I wouldn't give up my family for anything.

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