Copycat - (Angst - Insane Pearl AU part 1)

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AN: EndlessParadox_ Are you ready for this?

Song for Part 1: Copycat by CircusP
Song for Part 2: Doctor by Truslow (coming out soon)

CW: It's slightly disjointed but that was what I meant to do. Just wanted to let you know because it sometimes bothers me.

TW: panic attacks, manipulation, negative self talk, mild mentions of blood

(No POV-)

You wouldn't have expected it. She was the sweetest girl with the biggest sense of humor. She loved magic and flowers and dresses just like any girl would. She could get any boy to swoon over her with her large sea blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, but she would rather spend her days building and farming.

Her friends all adored her and she was loyal to the core, so when she met Grian again after being apart, she cried, they hugged, and they picked up where they left off.

Or I guess more accurately: where they had been pulled apart.


(Pearl POV- before Evo)

My hands shook as I grabbed the brown letter I was just handed. In it held the beginning of the rest of my life.

I had just graduated from high school and was assigned to my first official server. There were a couple servers I desperately wanted to go to and I couple that I had well, heard things about.

I gently step off the stage to the applause of the family and friends of my graduating class. We were made up mostly of builders and creative Players which was nice since we all had similar likes.

But it would probably be years before I met them again, if ever.

"Pearly!" I turn around just in time to catch a small brown-haired girl in my arms as she hugged me tightly.

"Hey Stress!"

"I'm going to miss you so much love." I nod in agreement before she holds up her brown letter. "Ready to see where we are going?"

I inhaled and gently exhaled before nervously nodding my head. "Let's open them together."

I follow Stress as she rips at the paper, slowly sliding out the white paper inside. My hands shook as I quickly flip it over and begin skimming the words on the page.

Pearlescent Moon
Congratulations on completing the Player's High School in London!
The Notch Crew was especially impressed
with your adaptability in difficult situations
and we happily inform you
that you have been assigned to the
under the command of
Grian Xelqua

Good Luck.

I reread the words again, and a third time before it finally sinks in. Grian. I'm going to be under Grian...

"Oh my gosh!" I look up to Stress jumping up and down like a complete idiot. "I'm joining the Ickabod's Adventure Server!!"

I force a smile at her. Ickabod's Server was a small, not very well-known server, but that meant it was safe. Stress would have enough time to learn what it was like in a real server before becoming a member of a larger server.

I, on the other hand, got sent to be with Grian. He had graduated only a few years before in Tokyo, but his reputation had spread quickly. I had heard that he was manipulative, controlling, and extremely deadly, but I had also heard that he was unlucky and targeted.

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