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"You psychopath", Eric shouted and Anne stared at him. 

" You have only seen my love, today see my hate too. Don't blame me I had given you enough chances and it was your fault." She moved to her mother and said, "Ma'am do you know what your son did with me? He made me fall for you and once I agreed to marry him, he took my child and now he is trying to prove that I am mad, so that he can have my property. I want nothing else. I am ready to give you my life, my property, everything just gave my son back", she beg him but he didn't reply," you will regret it."

She took a knife and put it on the throat of Eric's father. "I am not a murderer but I will not hesitate to kill for my child. Did you change your plan?"

"Yes, don't hurt my father. Your son is with Kevin, he hides him somewhere."

Without wasting a single minute, she called Kevin and asked him to meet. She sent her address and in no time Kevin came there. She hit his head with a golf stick and he fainted. 

Anne tied him with a chair, she brought a bucket filled with water and poured it on him, he came back to his senses. He looked at his surroundings and saw Eric and his family were also tied up. 

"Are you not going to tell me where my child is?"

He tried to explain but Anne didn't like it, she was about to cut his finger when cops came and arrested Anne. Kevin gave his statement that Anne is her patient, she is mentally sick and so he requested them to treat her nicely. 

They took Anne with them. She kept asking them to find out about her son but no one listened to her, she begged, she prayed and everything was in vain. 

She called Paul and he came there, she told him everything, she was too shocked to react. Finally, he said," Whatever you had done was not right. I will help you with a lawyer but don't expect me to have any connection with you after that", He said and left. 

Once again, she was all alone. She was taken to trials and after three trials she was held guilty. She was sent to a mental institute where she had to spend the next ten years of her life. 

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