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As the train stopped, she got up from her seat and came out. She took the ticket for the back ride. "All my answers are with Kevin, I need to find more about him. "

She got on another train and settled herself. 

"Anne, are you sure you want to do it? You are the prime suspect and it is very unlikely that anyone will trust you." She doubted her decision again.

"Did I have any other option?" She questioned herself. 

"It is not that difficult, right? All I need is to confront him, I believe that he is the one who killed Ava. You have to do this Anne," she motivated herself saying," so that Ava could get justice and you can know about Eric and your son's whereabouts."

She closed her eyes and put her head back on the glass of the train. After a few minutes, she opened her eyes because she heard a child babbling. On the seat next to her, she noticed a family, a happy family.

She wiped her tears and smiled at the lady when they had eye contact. "They look perfect," she thought."My life could be the same as her if Eric didn't disappear. I don't know what I should believe? If he is missing or if he disappeared on his own? Only Eric could have answered that. I hope he didn't abandon me. What if he did?" She questioned herself.

"I don't think that he does have a reason to abandon me, he is in danger my heart says so."

Soon she was back from where she started. She came out from the subway and took a cab to NK Escort Hospital. It was 11 PM. 

She went straight into the elevator and pushed the 7th-floor button. 

She went to the reception and asked about Kevin Johnson. 

"Miss Anne, where were you? We have been looking for you for the past five hours."

Anne ignored her and said, "I want to meet him, where is he?"

"I will call him, he went to your home to find you but you were not there." The receptionist said and grabbed her phone to call him. "Anne is here," she said to him.

"He will come in fifteen minutes", she said to Anne with a smile. " Why don't you take a rest in your room?" She asked.

Anne nodded and headed toward her assigned room. 

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