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"I have to save the baby", Anne said while running.

It took her two years to discover the truth about her marriage. She thought, "He married me so that he could have a baby. How could I fall for a monster?"

One day ago 

Anne gave birth to a baby boy. "Your eyes are like your father," she said, talking with her newborn. 

Eric came in and took the baby in his hands, his eyes were full of happy tears, "My baby", he said and kissed her forehead. 

A perfect family picture but it is not necessary that what is visible to the eyes is the truth. 

A nurse came and took the baby to the crib. Anne was very tired, giving birth is not an easy task, she slept while holding Eric's hands.

She woke up after an hour and was upset to see that Eric was not there. "He is always busy, he should be with me at least, for now", she said to herself. She is disappointed, any girl could be if her husband leaves her alone that too after giving birth to their first child. 

She got up and saw that her child was not in the crib, she panicked and removed the cannula from her hand, and rushed outside. Anne asked the receptionist about her kid but she did not have any idea. "Maybe the baby is with Eric", she said to herself and ran into the room to get her phone. 

" Ma'am you should take small steps, please don't run, your stitches are still…."

Anne didn't care what she was saying, all that mattered to her was her child and he was nowhere to be seen. 

She called Eric but his phone was switched off. 

She went to reception and asked to show her video recording of the camera, which they refused at first but later they had to agree because Anne was creating a scene there. It became clear that the baby was with Eric, she let out her holding breath. In the next footage, she saw him leaving the hospital premises. "Where is he going?" She asked herself but did not get any reply.

She called her neighbors to check if Eric was there but he was not. She changed her hospital gown and asked the receptionist to call her in case Eric came back. The receptionist and other nurses tried to stop her but their persuasion went in vain. 

She took a cab and told him the location of Eric's parents. Meanwhile, she tried to call his friends but no one had any clue about him. 

She called the hospital reception to ask if he came there but she was disappointed. 

She entered his parent's house and saw a big lock that was on the door, "Where are they?" She shouted.  Her heart was sinking. She tried to call them but everyone's phone was switched off. 

She sat there and started crying. "What the **ck is happening? Where is everyone? Where is my child?" She started shouting in frustration.

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