37 - Chapter Thirty-Seven - Sasha Dean's Point Of View.

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Our alarm sounded off at four am and I was grateful we had gone to bed early the night before. Rye was pinning me down on the bed. He had wrapped his arms and leg around me, and I was pretty comfortable. If we didn't have other plans for the day, like making sure no one ruined Maddox and Emerson's wedding, I could have stayed right here in bed with him.

"We should get out of bed soon."

"I know, I know. I'm getting the willpower to move."

"I can get you up, just not in the way we need right now."

The sound of his soft chuckle was pretty delightful in my ear first thing in the morning. The weight of what we were actually doing today was becoming reality, and I was just hoping that Ryer and I could protect everyone if something terrible happened.

"Sasha relax, you still have some time before you need to worry about the guests and Maddox. A few hours yet, the wedding does not officially start until twelve."

"Oh, I know, the scale of the event is really only setting in now. I really am thankful to have you with me. I surely couldn't do all this on my own."

"You could do it. I know you could. But it is always nicer to have someone to help you along the way."

Stretching out on the bed, my back was lightly throbbing, but nothing that I couldn't handle at this moment. Both of us had our suits picked out for the event and made sure they were in perfect shape, not a wrinkle in them. Ryer had picked mine out for me, but he chose the same one I was going to pick, so it really didn't matter. The black suit, with charcoal grey dress shit, plain black silk tie, and my dress boots.

"We should get up and eat. Allow ourselves some time to digest our food before setting the last things in their places and getting this show rolling."


Ryer slipped from the bed, like it wasn't four forty-five in the bloody morning. I had to pull my half dead remains out of the bed and will myself to be alive and moveable. The bathroom was my first stop, from the toilet to the shower, to force myself to stay awake.

Peeling off my tank top and the boxers I wore to bed, I stepped into the shower before flicking the handle up to turn the shower on. For a split second, it assaulted me with cold water before it went warm. Ryer stepped into the bathroom, peeling his own boxers off and stepping into my shower with me.

"I couldn't miss a morning shower with you. Coffee can wait."

"You could have brought the coffee with you."

"Yeah? You're going to drink coffee in the shower?"

"I can try." I sighed.

Ryer chuckled, slipping his arms around my waist and pulling me against him lightly. I could feel the warmth of his skin even over the heat of the water.


I hardly noticed his hands wandering down my torso until he lightly wrapped his hand around my cock and pulled me right out of enjoying his warmth. I felt myself grow hard in his hand.

"Ryer." I hissed, mildly annoyed but also totally into getting intimate with him right now.

"Hmm, sorry, I couldn't help myself. I like to touch you and I know this won't hurt you or hinder your abilities today."

His hand moved sloppily over my cock, and he kissed the side of my neck. Being too fixated on his hand, I didn't even feel him kissing around my ear until he drew my ear in between his teeth, nipping it. I jerked forward into his hand at the sensation.

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